I feel like wrath was the last time you could play an hour a day and actually do anything useful with this game. I do wish the game didn’t require as much time, but most of the time spend is being front loaded. In a month or so, you can likely still be a pretty competent player and only play for an hour a day.
and that is part of why WotLK was the best expansion WoW has had, subwise and all
Ok and your support still doesn’t outweigh all the casuals that would leave for it. A mythic 0 gear is really nothing, and again hurts you in 0 ways for them to get it. This is just you wanting WoW to give you a reason to brag you have time to waste to get a big epeen
Bro I am a casual, on weekdays I can spend maybe 2-3 hours on the game yet I am able to progress. Maybe instead of cramming everything into that hour instead pick and choose what you want to do? You have a week to do everything, save the weekdays for cov stuff while having the weekends for dungeon/pvp stuff.
Like out of the many many MMO’s I have played I am trying my dam best to think back and see when a simple hour meant I got anything meaning full done, never. Not even when I played GW2 which is prob one of the most casual friendly MMOs, you still had to devote more then a simple hour a day to get something meaningful done aside from just logging in and collecting crap from your home instance.
Hrm. I think that is something a lot of us enjoyed about it, but I don’t think that was a big reason as into why it was so great.
Lots of players right now are complaining about a lack of loot and in some cases, a lack of things to do. Getting gear in wrath was much harder for the casual players and took a lot longer. Once you did your raids and heroics for the day/week, you were pretty much done. I think a lot of players would really struggle with the Wrath model now. I wouldn’t be against it, but i’d be curious to see how well it went over.
You can do like a few wqs or one torg run in 1h…dungeon maybe if its a good group match.
As someone who played pretty seriously from TBC-mid wrath, semi seriously up til WoD and super casual on…I have to say
I really cannot stand this whole my character is a super hero that has the fate of the world on my hands, along with millions of other people. I don’t like spending hours getting through introductory content on my main and have this horrible realization that if I want to level and alt I will have to do that same grind.
That doing heroics or mythic dungeons have no purpose other than maybe getting a piece of gear with there being no badges, or rep gains
I just feel overwhelmed and confused about what I’m supposed to do, I end up having to read outside sources explaining what all this stuff is and after a few weeks I just quit feeling a burnout that used to take me a full expansion to feel.
I think the content is neat, it’s just obviously not for me anymore.
The guy is looking at it through rose colored glasses. It seems many people dont understand that current gearing in SL is much faster compared to prev expansions aside from maybe legion.
Then hey, lets tell blizz to just put a disclaimer: “If you can’t devote more than 1 hour to us, don’t play because you will always be feeling left behind because our skinner box requires much more devotion than the average one”
Ignoring the fact the BEST expansion you could spend 1 hour a day and get progress…
No you were always getting emblems to get gear, you got the high end once per day if i rememer right, then you also got the lower end ones that gave you the last tier raid gear so you still improved your char. You were ALWAYS progressing towards improvements in WotLK though. Now, you can sink your hour into 2 m0’s get no gear, wasted your time, and also be behind on all your other things you need done.
are u serious!?
Course only reason i associate as casual is time restraints…otherwise id meta and raid just like others…i still meta…a little.
Nice joke.
Yeah, who would have figured a MMO requires a investment in the form of time? WoW shocking.
Not sure why people think anyone who only puts in like an hour day would have gear anywhere near what somebody who puts in 3 times or more of that.
Also the note on the Alts, they Alts for a reason, don’t expect to make them your other mains.
Once work and school start back up I reckon the subs will plummet. It’s just not fun content to keep the player engaged, a lot of the end game stuff if just annoying.
I understand the frustration of having meh gear. But I’ve found that people are willing to help with the impossible such as questing in The Tremaculum. As far as worrying what others have, I don’t. My whole goal this expansion is getting all of the Covenant sets and I have 2 years to do it.
The gear wasn’t that great though. It was basically on par with LFR now. As is, running mythics gets you a full set of epics in 2 weeks. Maybe less now with so many people having gear. I remember going in Nax with blue gear and maybe 1-2 epics. After Nax, dungeons were mostly dead as well.
WotLK had the most amount of subs and player interaction. Its not even close to any other expansion. You got proof to the contrary?
People still ran dungeons for those high end emblems, at a minimum once a day or week (still fuzzy on what it was timewise due to being you know 10 years ago lol)
Getting weapon upgrades are especially difficult after the main quest line is over, but they do drop in world quests.
lol ok and who cares? I love when people just spit this useless fact out. You do understand the MMO market was not as big back then. Shortly after Wrath was released was when a lot of MMO’s started to flood the market.