Casual bashing

The person who posted the token to the AH paid $20 - blizz is getting $20 instead of $15

Person A buys a sub @ in my case 20$
Person A buys a token for 20$
Person A has paid $40
Person B gets game time for a month purchasing a token - there’s no subtraction here. It’s like 2 paid monthlies just by one person rather than 2

Where does this come in to play? How is your sub $20?

It’s all about price per game time

Average game time = $15 for 30 days.
Token game time = $20 for 30 days.

Token = $5 profit over regular sub.

Edit: 1 million people pay for a sub a month+ 1 million tokens. 1 million people buy the tokens and get 1 month of game time.

2 mil subs for 2 month game time = $30 mil
1 mil subs + 1 mil tokens for 2 months game time = $35 mil

Only $5 mil difference between the two. 5m / 1m = 5. Only making $5 per token in profit over regular sub prices.

Depends on where they live .

U.S. it’s $15 / month but I believe it is like $20 in Aus and possibly Canada

Fair enough. In that case, They make no profit from tokens haha

What the hell are you talking about? I want more casuals to get into mythic because in my opinion its the best content in the game.

I want casuals to do more content because it means it’s more likely they stick around the game. People leaving the game does nothing for me.


When I was checking the Token in AUs is $27

Honestly I see more casuals flaming hardcore players.

But I see myself of middle ground 🤷

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You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.and after all the drops in game I seriously doubt they will.Imho.

What in the world gives you the idea elites come here?

I just love how people that simply point out discrepancies in the casuals need and quest for higher gear is flawed, are considered elitists.

At the end of the day, casuals don’t need more loot than they get. You can paint it however you want, but 200 ilvl just from doing the campaign is more than enough for wq farming and gold farming.

If you want to get better gear, then you can participate in the content that has it. Instesd of begging blizzard for handouts and blaming “elitists” from holding you back.

The only thing holding you back is yourself, unfortunately.

Should clarify and say pseudo elites and not give them the title of elite. And to be fair, none of them probably care about the 99% of the population nor do they care about the forums.

However, there are people over the years on here who have invalidated my experience because they fancy themselves elites. Guess what, I just want to talk about WoW.

I haven’t asked for 223 in my posts. I haven’t asked for better vaults. I like valor points. But the these haters show up regardless telling us that unless I mythic raid, 15s or CR 2,000 then I need to just hang out in the pet battle forum kiddie pool. It’s not always subtle.

This is just facet of the toxicity here. And nice try getting me to call out/mention ppl I consider elites cause we all know that leads to vacations :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to derail, but your entire post reminds me of the whole rich vs. poor thread we had a while ago. It’s a poor man’s mentality. Let’s replace elite with rich and casual with poor or at least a casual with 2+ poor behaviors.

Rich mindset understands that there is no “I made it”. No “done”. Life is defined by challenges and learning.

Not proud to say I have this mentality to a degree, but it’s the cross I bear. There are a lot of “rich” WoWites that, while they think they are “helpful” come across condescending.

This is my issue. Not what loot I have. It’s the attitude. I push myself in this game all the time, but not mythic raid push. Having alternate sources of reward is a good thing. Having only PvP to get consistent loot puts a barrier on entry.

It promotes token sales to buy carries by elites. It’s a pay to be relevant in other content. Pay to win too much a stretch since there is no “win” in a MMO.


Okay. But my experience is that when you look at the armory of people like that, they haven’t actually done much of anything in the game at all. They aren’t “elite”, they aren’t even “elitists”, they’re just quarrelsome jerks who get off on putting other people down because they haven’t done something – something that the quarrelsome jerk hasn’t done, themselves, but because they watched somebody ELSE do it on twitch, they think it makes them an authority. :roll_eyes:

People just like shooting their mouth off and lecturing people. How many times have I been lectured about Mythic raiding by people who don’t even raid? I’ve lost count.

That’s not casuals, Blizzard has term for them, its called “grandma” player.

If someone comes to my gym 4 hours a day everyday and just play around with rubber ball over and over, i won’t call them casual.

I won’t lecture anyone about content I don’t do, but I should still be able to talk about it. I watch a few esports stuff, not a lot. I have my select few streamers I watch on occasion. So I know OF the content.

I won’t be telling anyone how to play it better or how it needs to be changed to suit me. I signed up to WoW knowing there would layers I cannot or rather I don’t want to reach because playing tourist LFG mode is my form of fun. WoW is not my second job. Blizz wants it to be. Desperately. They will try anything to keep us hooked longer.

And there are a lot us. We are valued. We are important. We are relevant.

GD is full on inciting riot like behavior. I troll right back on a troll thread. It’s dancing a thin line and not earning me any respect from “serious” forumites, but whatever. No wonder the blue silence. Easier just to 404 a thread when it derails and most do.

We don’t care what the casual base players ilvl is it doesn’t affect at us at the top end at all please stop using this as your arguement about why we dislike the valor point system. We don’t like it because it adds another mandatory grind to the game or “weekly chore” something that both casuals and us have complained about in previous expansions. Did anyone enjoy farming ap, mana pearls, badges ect ect. Nope and if you actually bothered to look at the system it doesn’t help casuals at all cause you need to do mplus to get the item (if it even drops for you) then more mplus just to upgrade it so running around in the woods or farming old raids or lfr wont help you at all.

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I haven’t played since Christmas. Probably most casual of everyone lol.

How do you define “elites?”

The most casual players I know are the ones who don’t pay money for their subs. They’re the ones farming gold with most of their ingame hours.

Well…neither. I play to raid and do dungeons and pet battles with friends.

I pay for my subscription, so that seems to fit in with you thinking I’m a casual player. Mythic raiders call me a casual (which I am, according to my own definition) while those who don’t raid at all call me an elitist jerk because I use add-ons and criticize my own performance (and the performance of my other raid members) based on how bad our logs were each week.

Half of the forum apparently thinks I don’t rate an opinion on how my class operates because I don’t mythic raid while the other half thinks I’m “an elite” because I got most of my gear from grouped content instead of world quests. It’s a bit of an identity crisis you lot have thrown a huge chunk of us into, so before anyone can engage with your rant post, OP…

Well, I’m sorry, honey, but you’re gonna have to define terms.


i like getting on an AH mount and casually walking non-stop so you can’t use the mount.

you should be thankful when a mount is up and stationary in Oribos

Every time a new way of obtaining gear is introduced, people pull the casual strawman out of the closet to use as the digital boogeyman, in order to complain about their pixels being shared with ‘the lower class’.

It’s nothing new. Most of us just respond to push buttons anymore.