Casual bashing

I don’t agree with bashing anybody. I respect people that have the skill and dedication to raid and perform mythic +. I’m also casual. I don’t like any of this bashing actually.

I don’t know anyone more…

What does Casual mean to you? I can provide examples.

A casual gamer is a player who enjoys any video game without investing significant time to it, playing it spontaneously, irregularly, or infrequently.

It is used to describe a player who is not fully committed to playing a video game at a high level.

Someone that plays for hours but only solo content.

What is an elites player to you?
Gamer who relishes competition.
Someone who progresses.
Plays 60 hours a week?
Someone it sells gold for a token?

Most casuals I know aren’t paying a sub either.



Until blizzard cracks down on copycat threads this stuff will continue.

Ding ding ding we have a winner ladies and gentleman.

Casuals are worth more than elite players change my mind.


Hey one of the two actual mythic raiders on the forums showed up, bless you Turnberry

I’m a casual and I don’t care what gear you have as long as you have earned it. I don’t see many people “bashing” us. If we want gear we can simply join a M+ pug or run our own stones. The problem is the people who feel entitled and crying that they should be granted gear instead of work for it. That isn’t how the world or World of Warcraft works.

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Recently a co-worker of mine brought up the world of warcraft as we were talking about video games and added “have you heard of it?” I replied “no, never heard of it” because I’m too ashamed to be associated with this community.


It is unfortunate if you have to PVP to raid.

Definitely Night Fae

So this is a forced method .oh I see that the casuals have to be 220 by what you believe is a blizzard standard ,are you Blizzard or an employee or share holder by chance?

Even more casual


That made my day :heart:

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What is considered a casual player?

Casual imho is a person that is chilled about content and takes their time at their own pace. They are not overly serous about it but play "if it comes it comes " attitude.

It’s really not that bad. I’m not a fan of PvP in the game but grinding rating/conquest/honor is MUCH better than grinding islands for AP.

Mythic tax increases

Forums: Mythic raiders get what they wanted again gg sucks to be a casual in this game

Casuals need to stop making these stupid threads attacking non-casuals.

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