Casual bashing

Well, I actually buy tokens, I subsidize other players when I do so. I used them for BoE off the AH and herbs to make my potions that I use - so that gold I get also goes back to the players. So, when I leave and I will, that real money goes with me. Maybe that’s for the best actually. Come to think of it, it probably is. Their main income should be from subs - it’s a better barometer of customer satisfaction.

Those terms have no weight anymore. Like synergy and cooperation, they have been dragged through the vernacular hellscape so much that they have lost all meaning. Say what you want to say and stop trying to be a parrot. You’re all terrible at being parrots, btw. Run those brain cells together real hard and try to have a freaking original thought.

Lately it seems so many casuals have a victim complex. Get over yourselves already.

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Yep. Our whole team is at least 1800 besides maybe 1 or 2 people. Valor doesn’t solve this problem either as we will now just have to farm both in the first few weeks of each season.

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I’m just confused why the OP thinks all elites are using a token to pay their sub. Isn’t that more an AH baron thing?

random question, y is yur name tant?

What? How?
Is your gear now useless?
Does your gear suddenly lose all its stats when they get too close to you?

Or does it invalidate the effort you put into getting that gear?

Yeah same. It takes me a lot longer to make 125k gold than it does for me to make $15 irl.

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This is literally what I said. So yes. Feel free to put in the effort for the gear though.

So…what is below “casual”? What about people that don’t do any raids or any M-pluses? We arent even high enough to be “casuals”?

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Imagine being mad players who put in more time and effort to be better players are more rewarded then players who do only do mog runs, pet battles, and world quests.


a little different

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Are you really playing with words right now? If we have the same gear and you got it from afk farming some herbs and I got it through wiping a couple hundred times in mythic raid then what would be the reason to do the mythic raid aside from mythic raiding? Nothing. The major reason people mythic raid is for gear. If you want gear then do work. If you want to be lazy and have the game feed you like a baby keep complaining on the forums.

I do 100% agree with this.

As a super casual I make do with what I get.

Yes, 220 gear would make doing the “Kill powerful foes in XXX” much easier but it is what it is.

Folks tend to look for the path of least resistance. “Flying is easier than walking” kinda thinking. So many will seek someway to get better iLvl gear to make the WQ easier.

Not saying it justifies the needs but it is what it is.

Most people do it because they enjoy the content. The gear is a bonus.


I’d disagree - I think it’s fun the first few times but it gets rote fast and it’s boring, like a timed dance that’s all. Most then are looking forward to that gear.

If you removed the gear incentive I think you would find that metric changing.

+5 = “high level M+ keys”

Okie dokie!

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Casually casualing about casual casuals casualing…im casually browsing these forums and whats not casual is the amount of spam about casuals there is and its rather annoying…

So this was nothing more than a thinly veiled dig at the “elitist” players? Way to stay above the fray there. Well at least now I know I really don’t have to read your post because it will be filled with your one side bs opinion.

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