Careful what you wish for

I love gatekeeping


how dare you to think that if you earned the mount you’re now allowed to use it on your new main.

This is unacceptable. This is 2010. Not 2023 or anything crazy.

I’m baffled that you think you are allowed to ride mount that you’ve already EARNED previously…THE AUDACITY.

I’m not even gonna bother myself with those “but why can i ride it on alt”…then dont!

and Era is there for you too. Why don’t you go there instead.


i mean i enjoy both wow versions so , changes are welcome

Its not going to pretty much with the release of cata it will be retail.

Cata was the last WoW expansion. MoP was the start of Retail. It’s when Blizzard was officially dead and daddy Activision started to really ruin the core and soul of the game.

So you can’t have Classic MoP cause MoP is Retail. It can’t happen since it’s a contradiction.

There are definitive WoW (Classic) expansions. Then there are definitive Retail expansion which isn’t WoW and a very different terrible game.

Battle for Azeroth was the last WoW expansion. Shadowlands was the start of Retail. It’s when Blizzard was officially dead and daddy Activision started to really ruin the core and soul of the game.

So you can’t have Classic Shadowlands cause Shadowlands is Retail. It can’t happen since it’s a contradiction.

There are definitive WoW (Classic) expansions. Then there are definitive Retail expansion which isn’t WoW and a very different terrible game.

10 chars

Yikes… Imagine calling this a WoW expansion. It was more Battle for Player Agency and arguing with the Devs about their time-gating and systems.

No, Shadowlands killed Retail it wasn’t the start. People put up with Retail for several expansions. It’s like slowly boiling a frog, they never jumped out. However SL aka…Systemlands they turned up the heat to much and there was finally a MASS exodus of players who left for other games. Many of them for good.

The reason why Dragonflight is doing so bad is because SL killed Retail. There is still a lag effect from how bad it was.

MoP was the beginning of the end for WoW as we know it. MoP was the first time I didn’t buy an expansion at launch, like many others. We saw the writing on the wall. Corperate greed had set in and World of Warcraft was finally over.

Cata while it wasn’t a great expansion it was still World of Warcraft and may it RIP. There are 3 WoW expansions. TBC, Wrath and Cata. Everything after is officially Retail.

90% of the “No ChAnGeS” players were a large echo chamber of viewers of the dudes in OTK.

Who dont even play anymore.

QoL changes dont kill you. They never did, youre all just looking through rose tinted glasses. This version of the game is so far from Retail, so so far.


Classic is on the road to retail and it always has been because it’s the inevitable path for classic.

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We never got no changes in classic, they used the final patch of vanilla from the beginning of classic. One of the dumbest statements thats also echoed through content creators.

I am Ok with some QoL improvements, but I fear they will add CRZ to the old world like they did at the beginnjng of MoP :frowning:

This isn’t really “classic” but then again, didn’t they once say they would never even give us “classic” to begin with?
Maybe because of rebuilt coding and improvements, this was what was intended for the original expansions to begin with?

Beats me, just hoping to God, they do NOT ever implement CRZ, but combined mounts and pets or RDF is OK with me.

Yeah I know right? I mean why did they have to do any class balance in tbc, we should’ve had 80% warriors in all raids for all of wow!!! I just hate death wing, why did he have to ruin my precious zones!!!1111 I want to keep doing those same quests in wetlands forever and ever!!!11111one11 I just want to keep killing onyxia over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over andoversndocersndoverabdpver!!!1111oneobe11111!!!

Oh no, a world that would actually feel alive?

The absolute horror.

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OP has a point. This isnt Wrath Classic at all. This is entirely a retail version of it. We asked for the Classic version of Wrath and we did not get it. Those WoW tokens seem to be serving you well though. Can see you were able to buy your way into your good set of gear doing them. And if you wanna double down and tell me it was all skill…then show me your toon from original Wrath that was this far along at this point in the game.

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You think the gear that person is using requires RMT?

Could you just go the hell away already? You clearly don’t play the bloody game lmao.

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Cata is still very far from Retail, despite this widespread notion within the community. Glyphs are still a thing, leveling still takes a while, and Cata quests are way closer to quests in Wrath than quests in Retail in design.

There’s no definite point where retail immediately begins, because the definition of retail WoW is just the current expansion. There are bad expansions and good expansions, but as long as the lineage of Classic WoW never catches up to that of Retail, Classic WoW will never become Retail WoW.

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It feels alive now.
CRZ added exactly nothing but a rubber banding lag fest and NEVER needs to come to “classic.”
Server connections were better.

I’ve spent 90% of my playtime over the last few weeks leveling alts. I can count the number of people I’ve seen outside of Dalaran or Stormwind on one hand

I’d more say retail as it is currently “began” with Legion, with the world quests, interconnecting faction grinds with personal progression, the endless resource grind, and of course the big one, M+. Which is kind of ironic when you think a lot of people considered Legion to be the last good expansion WoW had…

But yeah, Cataclysm is a thousand times more like Vanilla to Wrath than it is to current retail