Careful what you wish for

I appreciate that you have an opinion, even if it is different from mine.


Battlegroups existed long before Cata; and we don’t have mercenary mode in Classic.

The token, though, that’s from a far flung future expansion.

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What? Heirlooms are literally designed to be account wide. Its not really peak RP to mail around gear to myself.


You really don’t know what these people are like :stuck_out_tongue:

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And one can still mail them if so desired.

Hell…sometimes its advised. When mailing big amounts of gold jsut to be sure its my char …it can be 5k gold and a loom.

The loom will trigger its not your account error and stop the sending. A small just in case measure.

They can’t be sold. They can’t be de’d. either.

If wow must die to not have me log into the atiesh paladin to move my plate shoulders to the whitemane dk (or vice versa)…so be it lol.

time for bed grandpa

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I can’t wait to have copies of the cloth heirlooms and staff that three of my characters are using and must mail back and forth constantly whenever I wanna play them.

QoL changes are good. Not every feature was good back then and if they had the tools back then they would have changed a lot of things.

It begs the question: what other systems would the original devs have had in from the start, had they the ideas/technology to implement them? We know they wanted RDF in from the beginning at least

Imagine in another timeline where things like the collection tab are mainstays of Vanilla, and all the classic andys wouldn’t even consider decrying them just because “they aren’t retail” :thinking:

Wanting it from the start doesn’t mean it should have been added to TBC or Vanilla Classic.

I’m the one who dug up Rob Pardo’s interview, and that was in response to all the anti-rdf posters who kept saying things like, “RDF was only added in Wrath because of x,y,z.” Just making up nonsense.


You no changes players really coming out of the woodwork now. Quiet during the class balancing, glyph changing, ilvl changes, mythic+ lite, but now, oh god the horror of being able to mount your mounts. We dare slip closer and closer to retail while actual and tangible changes have happened with pure silence.

Yall are clowns. Straight up, annoying low impact clowns.


At some day classic will be retail anyway!
They won’t stop at certain expansion and they shouldn’t. re-making & re-releasing old games been so successful in past few years, because simply there will be always people who missed the original releases.

I was more pointing out the hypocrisy of people getting upset about certain things “turning the game into retail” when those same things were wanted by the original developers, aka the people who made their precious Vanilla, from the very beginning

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See “you think you do” has many deeper meanings to me. My take is that dude was hinting…what you think was intended was not. It was a temp fixer upper till time/tech/resources were there to put in what they wanted.

It happens quite often in IT. I deem games jsut another version of any IT project. More fun than a massive accounting application system work up, but the same in spirit. To me anyway.

There is a goal, its taking time to get there. Till then, slap in something that works. Get your people something to work with for now. Something is better than nothing

Its not really wanted in the vision. Its only wanted by the project architects since its there for right now. It good enough, for now.

Granted I have a retail bias. Not all of its changes…were bad. NGL…I miss my retail AH setup. 4 full pages of 1 light leather at the same price.

Hell no, 1 line entry. Buy 44 of them. Several sellers get paid, I got 44 leathers in like 3 seconds. Win win…

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Ok 1 Key word Avocated As in pass tents and that was in 2019 not now You want to know what wasn’t a thing in 2019 gdkps And at the start at least World buffs the Reality is.

These mounts aren’t cool anyway Nothing is going to have the same mistake as it did back then for 1 big Reason Whether it be Vanilla classic or Shadowlands classic If we get that far.

The game is solved There is no unknown I mean back in the day how many scarablords were there 2 Maybe 5 at Most vs now There’s 100+ The same thing with ashes From tk And the head from Ulduar.

And I would make an argument That one of the things that hurt wrath was Trying to make it More like classic wrath and Classic are two different games.

And they need to be Is treated differently And we’re going into cata And like it or not later versions of the game People don’t play to level pvp pve END GAME Like it or not.

I mean hack even the changes to era They changed the pvp System Most people Are all for it Because guess what THE CLASSIC PVP SYSTEM IS GARBAGE 1000% Nothing good about it.

People change The way people felt in 2019 and now Are different If you want to play classic you do have era thas not tbc or wrath or cata And that’s before we talk about the fact that guess what Vanilla,tbc or wrath Have played out nothing Like they did the first time.

And the reason is simple We know everything And that’s before we talk about the changes blizzard has made Which by the way are all good Outside of no rdf A lot earlier.

So i’m all for these changes And I say that as somebody That’s played sense 2004 I’m sorry to tell you but if you really want that nostalgic feeling of 2008.

You’re going to have to find a specific playgroup That plays the game In that way And good luck with that Is trying to find people that want to make the game harder gesture captured nostalgia.

So I say All these changes big w for blizz.

Mercenary mode does in fact exist for factions that don’t have the other to fight against.

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On Merc Mode, you sign up to fill in for either side. When you enter a BG in merc mode for the opposite faction, you are temporarily faction/race changed to fit with players of that opposite faction.

In Classic WoW, if there aren’t enough of one faction queueing, you will have a chance of facing a team made up entirely of other players from your own faction.

Same Faction BGs are not at all the same as merc mode. Either quit playing dumb or pick up the pieces of your brain that are after falling out from trolling on the forums too much.

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Not everyone complains on the forums, a lot of players complain in game and on discord and whatnot

they complain on reddit too lol.

It’s a fantasy game, everything is made up, what are you smoking?

I don’t play retail, but if I am not happy with Classic I will and do play other non blizzard games, happy to drop sub and give someone else money.

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