Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about “more race class combos” “more specialisations” “more Qol” changes……now account wide mounts and pets is coming into wrath……y’all realise this is exactly the thinking that got us retail wow?
All I’m saying is, retail is there if you want a Dulled Down version of WoW. Careful what you wish for in Classic WoWs
The problem is that these changes go against the entire nature of Classic. People advocated for CLASSIC. NOT Classic+ and DEFINITELY NOT Classic with features that didn’t even come out until WoD.
And as for mounts, these mounts are only cool if they are rare, if they’re going to make mounts account-wide they need to make the cooldown on farming them account-wide too, otherwise they’re not rare, they’re not cool.
Any and all: changes, new balancing, made up spells, invented systems, quality of life implementations; are all bad for the Classic versions of the game.
If a player does not like Classic for what it is, for how it was then, to play it how it was then, now; gO bAck to ReTaiL.
Blizzard is ruining what Classic was supposed to be about. A love letter to the players to play the game as it was.
Ok but why are you only complaining about changes now instead of when they made heroic+? Or when they added dual spec early? Or being able to create your first death knight for free? Or the anti-boosting mechanics? Or previous phase raids dropping 25-man gear in 10-man? Or-
na, no changes was always the dumbest idea they ever had and we saw it play it since the start. You think you do but you don’t is the truest thing ever said about classic.
I think these changes would have been more suited for Cata, rather than Wrath, but it’s too late to undo that now.
It’s also relatively minor and doesn’t really affect the game much. There are other changes in this PTR that have a much bigger effect, like the SMourne acquisition rate change.
Well, first it was Vanilla.
Then it was TBC
Then it was Wrath
Then it was Cata
Then it was Panda
Then it was WoD
and so on. You get the idea.
If you hate RDF so much, I expect you to hate cross realm PvP as well.
If you hate account wide mounts, I expect you don’t value your own time.
If you hate Retail, I expect you also hate fly paths, mailboxes and auction house.
You are under some odd impression that WoW Classic is some sort of brand new game? It’s not. It never was. It never will be. The key purpose of Classic is to go through all expansions. To see and experience the content as CURRENT content.
None of yall are here on dial up connections with 800x600 monitors size of an oven. None of yall are 15 years younger as you were back in OG Wrath/TBC
It’s more that it removes uniqueness of characters, and invalidates efforts made separately (if you have farmed the same mount on multiple characters, for example… pretty much the exact opposite of what you’re saying).
Well, good thing you can opt out from using this and still go farm same mount over and over again?
Why would you do that though?
You are, as a person, is a single entity. Just because you drive your wife’s car here and there, doesn’t suddenly invalidate your Mercedes that you’ve earned.
All you are doing is just driving another car. Does not mean you haven’t accomplished earning a Mercedes.
They indeed are, along with other “retail” things …
Let’s be honest - everyone knew it was going this way… tbh, I could continue playing up until around “Classic Shadow lands” - then I’d be done or dead perhaps
Is this an honest take? It doesn’t seem genuine, but if it is could you explain why it would make sense that if I’ve already farmed the mounts I wanted across multiple characters that I wouldn’t be unhappy about invalidating my time and efforts in doing so?
I have no idea, but you’re the one who brought it up.
Anyway, I don’t like all the shared items across characters and never have. It’s one of the reasons I don’t care about any of my Retail characters, and one of the reasons I was drawn to Classic.
Yes, I can always go play Classic Era if I want to enjoy uniqueness of characters and having a connection to the characters I play in an RPG game. And if I enjoy playing Arenas I can always go to Retail, where I can solo queue and don’t have to worry about forming teams or any sort of interaction with others while leveling, or doing end game either, because the “QoL” automation tooling make it as good as a single-player game.
Personally, I enjoy the satisfaction of having done it, whatever comes after doesn’t matter. Saying the farming being “invalidated” to me just sounds the same as saying there’s no point in grinding for a legendary when it’s just going to be worthless next expansion. Or hell, grinding current tier gear when it’s just going to be invalidated with the next tier