Careful what you wish for

You’re the one who doesn’t play when you keep asking for stuff to be added in at time periods that it wasn’t added in before and then insisting that that was the way that it was before.

I also didn’t say anything about RMT. Ever heard of WoW tokens? No you haven’t. Those are in game for Wrath Classic right now. Using gold from those is buying your way in. But that is not RMT.

RMT is using your own money to buy carries. It has nothing to do with using gold to buy them. So I never mentioned RMT. Only you did. Paying for WoW tokens, then using the gold from that does not equal RMT.

You have yet again. shown your complete lack of knowledge about the game. YOU’RE the one who doesnt play. WoW tokens exist in Wrath Classic. If you actually played the game, you would know that.

… the token IS RMT.

What do you think RMT means?

Clue: not this.

RMT and tokens are not the same. You can use your tokens to buy sub time. That is one of the things you can do with it.

It is Real Money Trading. Using real money to buy carries in game or to buy stuff in game to include carries.

You can use the gold from token sales to buy a carry. But if you use that same exact amount of money from someone else to buy a carry then that is the ban-able RMT part of it.

Token can be used to buy WoW time so therefore is not RMT unless you go out of your way to use it as such. Lots of people use wow tokens to renew their subs.

And how do you get a token for the gold you use to buy items ingame?

Oh so you do get it, you’re just gonna spend the next 10 posts saying how you don’t get it cause this is what you do.

Why in the ever living hell would you buy a WoW token with real life money to then use it for game time. This is a painfully stupid comment.

You are so easy to get raging that it just plain cracks me up. Lol. Never had an easier time getting under someone’s skin.

People have asked time and time again if they can pay for a friends account using there card payment method. Blizzard always say, NO. Use a WoW token. You use the gold from that to give to someone else so they can buy sub time. But… I forgot… I’m sorry but I did forget…you don’t have any friends. Everyone always makes fun of you and mocks you on your main EU account so you have to come over to here where you also don’t have any friends lol.

Too bad you don’t know how WoW tokens work. You absolutely CAN use them to buy sub time for yourself OR give the gold to a friend so that way they can buy it using their gold. OMG…its like magic.

My god you are something else, you know that? You really don’t get simple things. Not just me that has said that to you. Didn’t it take me like well over 2 dozen tries to explain to you that RDF and LFG are different?

I buy lots of tokens. I have given the gold to them to some friends, they buy time with that and can play. Its a miracle.

You can sub to WoW using gold.

All you do all day everyday is nonstop spam the Wrath Classic threads using a retail toon…but there’s just one problem…you don’t even play Wrath Classic, AND you aren’t even posting in the proper region.

Yeah, stupidity gets me.

Like this, just moving the goal post.

You’re the one who doesn’t even understand that the WoW tokens can be used to buy sub time using gold. And that Blizzard allows and even encourages players to buy WoW tokens to then use the gold to give to other people so that they can stay subbed.

That confuses you though, doesn’t it? Just like how it took me well over half a month to describe to you that RDF and LFG were not the same thing.

There is not much that doesn’t confuse you if I’m going to be honest with you.

Am I annoying you? Do want to block me here on the forums or do you need me to make multiple posts describing how to do that for you too?

Where was this said?

Said right there…your’re the one who said it. Wondering why someone would use the WoW tokens for real life money to buy game time.

You know. Another example is if you unsub from WoW and you have lots of gold saved up from the past and some from WoW token sales, you can resub using that gold as well. They auto pull it from your account.

Lol…where was that said, she says. LOL YOU SAID IT. Don’t get mad at me saying you’re a he. btw. You probably will. Female toon. Go. Back. To. Europe.

OK so we’ve already established you can’t read, gotcha.

You’re the one who didn’t get that RDF and LFG were too different things. Lol… Took me like 2 weeks and 4 threads, two dozen posts to get that point across to you.

I’m bored of you. You’re discussions always go nowhere. Just around in circles to talk about the same exact thing we already discussed, yet slightly differently. Other people know how to actually keep a conversation going. You have not progressing the conversation in the slightest. You’ll keep it going, then eventually we will get to the point to where I state a fact, you ask for proof from a link, it will take me a super long time to find the link to post it here, I finally do and you refuse to click on the link and then start saying that I made it up when the link proves I didn’t.

So. Other people here can actually hold a proper conversation. You have proven time and time again to me that you can’t. I even got to say some of the same stuff I’ve already said to you before over and over again.

Source it, you keep making this claim, now source it.

I don’t care.

I know, cause you never answer a question and just shift the goal post.

Simply answer questions that’re raised and the conversation can continue.

Even saying “I don’t know” or “I was wrong” will suffice.

Again, source?

You keep making these idiotic claims, it’s time you source them.

I don’t make wishes because I have no illusion that my wishes would ever get through to anybody. Even if it happened to go my way, I understand there are tons of idiots on every side wishing for their own desired outcome, from an exhaustive set of mutually exclusive outcomes. It’s bound to be one way or the other. all I can really do is adapt to or overcome whatever outcome prevails.

What people ask for, what people actually want, and what’s best for the game can all be vastly different. To have the ability to make the right inferences, Blizzard would have to play its own game, which it doesn’t. They just ask streamer panels for input.

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I post on my main, my WCL are available to see. You can see I’ve been raiding with the same guild since TBC.

What a weird metric. Skill does not allow you to clear content. No one can clear these raids alone. It’s people. I’m not clearing the raids because I’m good, I’m clearing the raids because I’m playing with other people. If I didn’t show up, the raid will still get done. Has nothing to do with me, tbh.

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Not my original toon, but it does have my achievements. Its funny because we killed Flame Leviathan before we killed Patchwerk in under 2.5 minutes if you look at the time stamps. I’m not sure if I ever killed LK because my guild fell apart before TOC. Solo play only gets you so far though :confused:

The only thing I would enjoy is a simple cosmetic transmogrifying person in all towns. Nothing else should be added. That isn’t a game breaker for anyone.

What server are you on?

Ugh oldheads complaining how everyone’s on their phone again.

Ok no We did get #no Changes Yes it was on the final patch but that was the final patch So what your telling me is.

You wanted progressive talent And Itemization And to figure out when those changes would have happened ?

Well one If classic didn’t last as long as vanilla did So that doesn’t work On top of that that would have been more annoying anything else I mean I don’t really want to go back to the days of.

If two handers being completely outscaling one handers And back stab not benefiting from weapon damage Hey anyone remember when You had to go to the bottom of the ret tree to get blessing of kings ?

No we got #no Changes I mean, what did you think was going to happen with a solved game that’s literally 19 yers Old Almost 20 It’s the player base that encouraged all the things that happened.

Logs World buff Mara Mid maxing Blizzard didn’t make us do any of this That’s all stuff done by the player base even gdkps we Asked for no Changes and we got it.

I fail to understand how this is necessarily a harmful change to the game that will lead us into retail WoW. Both of these are great QoL changes for the overall health of the game in my eyes.