Careful what you wish for

I didn’t even mean skill to get
I was referring to rep grinds and whatnot. Winterspring Saber, Nether drakes, etc.

Glad mounts are the only ones that I think should be restricted. And Blizzard agreed with this as when account-wide mounts were introduced they were some of if not the only ones restricted to the character that earned it.
They should at least be restricted to the class you earned it on.

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I have the violet proto drake on all my 80s. Account wide mounts are fine and encourages people to go farm them for greater benefit.


Another post from another brainlet who thinks spending 19 hours a day playing wow to achieve anything is a “rEwArDiNg ExPeRiEnCe”
Account wide mounts and pets is a godsend feature. Don’t like it? Go to classic era then.


Imagine having your experience ruined by someone else riding mounts lmao


How exactly does account wide mounts or pets negatively impact your experience? Even more class options would barely do that. If I roll a forsaken paladin for example, instead of a gay elf paladin, how exactly does that hurt YOUR experience?

All I’m saying is, be able to explain/support your thread’s topic or don’t make one at all. Since you have no follow up posts in here either, I’m going to promptly delist and move on.

I was laughing at calling it “the best feature ever added to an MMO in history.”

Where did I demand anything? Are you illiterate?

I retract my original statement.

I confused you demanding of with you being in favor of.

The original point I tried to make stands. You’re fine with something being implemented that you like but then laugh at us, or stand against us, for something we may like.

That’s why I think you are one of the worst ppl out here.

I disagree. It was huge changes that made retail, retail. Giving players a garrison in WoD, absolutely destroying the usefulness of professions in WoD, destroying PvP/BG’s in Legion with an entirely revamped system. Not to mention the ugly revamped character models that are supposedly graphically superior that we got in (shadowlands?).

Those were the huge changes that make retail, retail. Not account wide mounts and adding an extra spec.

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Go to retail if you want those features then, that’s your logic

“B-b-but it exists in Retail therefor it is bad!”

It baffles me that people rage about how quality of life systems wind up creating retail, instead of poor actual gameplay decisions…It’s like saying “insert favorite sportsball team here” is going to suddenly start sucking because they’re installing cushion seats for the crowd at their home stadium. Or something like that. I’m tired my metaphor machine is broken-


Don’t have to. Will wait a couple of weeks and have it on classic. lol get rekt son

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Give it a few years and you’ll be complaining about how they ruined classic, your the type that wished all the changes that made retail the game it is today, then complain about it and want classic. “Get rekt son”. Am I cool like you now? :man_facepalming::rofl:

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You realize that every Classic update inches us closer to retail, right? Simple QoL features being included an expansion earlier just makes the game better.

Hello 2013 would like its word back – rekt.

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Hello 2009 would like its joke back. rekt.

Tell us your a boomer by not telling us you are a boomer.

I wasn’t born in the 40s-60s but ok. Whatever floats your boat, brainlet.

and Era is there is you wish for the “authentic” classic experience


QoL isn’t even the issue with Retail for a vast majority of players. I’m sorry, but if RDF or account wide mounts were your reasons for not playing Retail, you need to accept that you’re a minority of a minority. The major changes to actual gameplay and lore are going to be the actual driving factors.

You may as well start complaining that Retail graphics are “too cartoonish.”

We have features from future expansions, CRZ BGs was added in cata and mercenary mode was added in wod.