Can't unlock Vulpera

I’ve been trying for days on my horde character, Nymrodil, to unlock Vulpera. I ground out the Vulpera rep, but can’t seem to get the achievement “Secrets in the Sands”, more specifically, I can’t get the Critera “Atul’Aman”.

I’ve scoured the web for information and been over every inch of Vol’dun and have completed 167 out of 172 quests in that zone. I think I’m stuck at “Defeat Jakra’zet”, but Warguard Rakera won’t give me the quest.

Is there anyone who might have been in this predicament that might be able to help me out?

According to the wowhead Character Planner you’ve met all the requirements to unlock the Vulpera on Nymrodil.

What happens when you go to the embassy in Org? Is the questline to unlock them not available for pickup?


Thank you! When I checked Secrets in the Sands it said I it wasn’t complete. So I didn’t check the embassy. It does appear that I can get the Vulpera quest now. Thanks!


the questline wont show up for me… Ji Firepaw refuses to do anything for me…:frowning:
Dembyrollz (on Stormreaver)

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That’s because you already started the quest chain.

If you look for Kiro in the Twilight Highlands you’ll find the next quest, “A Little Goodwill”


wierd… so somehow i started this quest BEFORE become exalted with Vulpera? ok. problem solved, I’m confused but at least i have the end result. thanks for your help!!


Halp. I’ve done “Secrets In the Sand”, met the achievements, but can’t seem to start the quest. I go to the embassy, and there’s nothing but a fat panda, a few smelly undead and…nothing.

I’m going to lose my mind…

And you’ve got them up to Exalted rep too right? Make sure you’re using the character that achieved exalted to check the embassy.


Ah, yeah…rep. Thanks. Now, I have to ask myself is it worth the grind.

I just looked at my rep menu. They’re exalted. Ugh…what now??

It’s easier for us to check if you post on the character with the progress, or give name and realm.ákkaur

Definitely looks like you’ve got the requirements!

A couple of things to check:

  1. See if you already have the quest in Drakkaur’s log Guests at Grommash Hold
  2. If you don’t, click that link and see if you have one of the quests further into unlocking them
  3. If you’re positive you haven’t started the quest line, also make sure you’re actually in the Embassy in Org.

Hopefully one of those helps!

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I am in the embassy, I looked and just a speechless, fat bear. I’m going to rage in Org like no orc ever has. Tossing out the panda, feeding the zombie to a dog, and telling the belf guy that his sister wants her pants back!

This has to be a bug, because I’ve met all the requirements.

Well, to ask the obvious, but are you on another quest to unlock another allied race? If so, you can’t unlock any others until you’re done with that one.


Good question Tolna! I was just about to say that it might be another phased quest or something similar.

If it makes you feel better Láteralus, it’s pretty rare that we see these sorts of posts and it turns out to be an actual bug. Almost every time there has been something else going on to prevent the start of it that just needs to be completed first.


You have met the requirements but you aren’t bugged. It looks at some point you started the questline to help the Vulpera to join the Horde. Unfortunately, you stopped questing partway though. You were last out in Twilight Highlands with Kiro.

You’ll want to return there and speak with Kiro again and pick up “A Little Goodwill”. Since you already completed “Worthwhile Repairs” and “Peon Promotions!” once you completed that, it’ll allow you to pick up “A Party in Your Honor” and continue from there.

The comments from the initial quest on Wowhead should help provide a bit of a guide.


Thanks! I just now saw that in the TH and am fishing up the “A little good will”. I somehow forgot to finish it, haha. Thanks everyone!!



So I finally got the “secrets in the sand” questline done but there is no quest to recruit the vulpera is there anythingi can do ?

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THeres no quests in the Org embassy.