Can't Turn in "Better Dead than Dread" to Bowmistress Li - Loremaster Progression Barred - PLEASE REPLY IF YOU HAVE THE SAME ISSUE, THANKS!

Still no reply from blizzard. Wish this was a auction house failure.


I can confirm this as well. When I tried to get help in game, the first response was they couldn’t give me any tips on quests, but I should try deleting addon’s and dropping and re-selecting the quest. I did both nothing helps. The second response from blue was that there was not enough information or people having problems, so they could not help me turn in the quest or get the next one in the series. They suggested coming here and posting. So here I am.

My 120 can not turn in the quest involving Bowmistress Li, you can approach flying from one side and she is visible, but before you can get close enough she phases out, so does the summoning stone near her, and a shadow-pan marksmen standing on the ledge. When she phases out Taoshi then appears kneeling in the corner. This is preventing the ability to start/complete the Dread Waste area. Also I even went and did the “Time Traveling” buff for the Vale of Eternal Blossom to see if that would help, and it does not.

Appreciate any help in getting either a time traveler buff for the Dread Waste, or someway of turning in and accepting the next quests.



I’m having this problem as well! Bowmistress Li, along with all the NPC’s all phase out if I get near them. (May 22, 2020)


I’m also having this issue, unfortunately.

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answer? I <3 every comment I could to bring attention to this tread… I am willing to try anything to get this fixed.


having this same issue, trying to start the Dread Wastes zone but basically cant cuz this NPC keeps dissapearing/reappearing/dissapearing again and again

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Yeah I just want to finish off Loremaster…

Same problem here. I reported this as a bug. Referenced this forum post as well.

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I’m having the same problem as everyone else in this thread. Can’t click on Bowmistress Li because she phases out every time I get close.

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I ended up using Azeroth Auto Pilot for this but it was a pain so I’m replying to this in hopes that it will get fixed. I also reported it as a bug before I used AAP.


Still no fix and its May 25th, just ran into this problem/glitch.


I’m having the same problem as everyone else in this thread. Can’t click on Bowmistress Li because she phases out every time I get close.


Checked again (May 25th), still not working!!!


Checked today (May 26th} Still doesnt work. I even tried the addon and i still can’t pick up those 2 quests “Falling Down” and “Nope”. I submitted a bug and opend a ticket. Hopefully i hear back soon. I need these quests for a transmog…


Same exact problem… what is blizzards deal? Submitted a ticket… probably will get the shaft.


Ok, so i figured out how to get it everytime. So what i did is i got the AAP addon but when i was originally doing it i was waiting for her to appear then phasing over to vale of eternal blossoms to try to accept the quest. What you want to do is stand in Vale of eternal blossoms then clip into dread wastes and immediatley go back into vale waiting for her to phase back in. Then click on her and the AAP addon will auto accept. This worked everytime for me. GL to everyone else.

SOLVED (May 2020) - I use AutoAccepter mod. I flew in from the Dread Waste side about 10 times and she was eventually there long enough for it to turn in and pickup the next quest!

As of May 27, this is still bugged. We shouldn’t have to use a third-party add-on to complete a quest because Blizzard can’t be bothered to do their jobs.

I was considering buying BFA & Shadowlands after completing Pandaria, but now I’m rethinking that…


same, but if i cant finish this quest, who knows what else is broken that I want to do in the future. Was really holding out that it would have been fixed by now :frowning:


Well I suppose it’s only fitting that I write the 100th reply here since I started this thread. Sounds like this is still an issue for many, many of us. I agree with the earlier comment that an Addon shouldn’t be necessary to begin and quest in a zone in WoW. Poignantly said. Keep commenting, liking comments, and reporting this bug in-game folks. Eventually we’ll be heard as we climb the threads rated by Replies, Views, and Activity. We’re starting to get up there, for sure.