Can't Start Dragon Isles on level 70 characters

You completed the quest with Ebyssian and he didn’t have another quest? Is he still there?

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He’s still there. Has no other quest to offer after The Dragon Isles Await.


I do not have TWW.

I was able to get 2 70s, one on each side, to the Dragon Isles and still have story quests waiting for me.

So I guess it’s only fixed up to level 70?

I’m trying to unlock the Dragon Isles on my level 80 character. I spoke with Ebyssian for the initial quest, and he offers nothing else. I just want to farm Wrathion rep since it’s Warbound now.


Level 71, just finished Shadowlands. Had the quest “The Dragon Isles Await” but Wrathion does nothing after you turn it in. I noticed he glows as if there’s something to be done but it’s clearly a phase bug or something cause it disappears. Can’t talk to any of the NPCs to progress the quests and there is no breadcrumb. Going to the Waking Shores does nothing and no quests are to be found there. Tried contacting support but was given the copypasta of “no game hints allowed”. Typical automated responses. All we can do is just wait for Blizzard to acknowledge this is a problem and fix it.