Can't start BFA "Re-rebuilding the A.F.M.O.D." Quest

As a new player who just got 3 days free of wow (a gift from blizzard to all) i thought f it ill try wow, i logged on started an evoker, decided i would use my 3 days to try to unlock zandalar troll, i took 2 and a half days to look up and complete the campaign required, got to this quest and its gone. was planning on probably buying a month or 3 of game time once i had the race unlocked and now im stuck with a 90% completeted campaign and no zandalar troll race, good job blizzard you lost another customer. if this is ever fixed i would consider returning/ starting wow but after this f blizzard.


Having the same problem STILL 1/1/2023. so frustrated that they haven’t fixed it yet, I’m so close to unlocking the trolls.

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LITERALLY! i have everything done but this last quest chain. so frustrating.


bump! this is still broken :frowning:


I just had a response to a ticket that I put in over 12 days ago. The GM basically said " we know this is an issue and we are working on it, sorry"

In other news, as I was on a journey to unlock the other allied races, I unlocked Nightborn, leveled a character all the way to 60 and unlocked Zandalari trolls with that character, all before the GMs decided to respond to my ticket.

Its all a big pain in the rear, but if you have another 60+ character, non Drathyr, you can finish the War quest pretty quick.


Just created an evoker to re-do this entire achievement horde-side. Got to this part and was confused. Nice knowing that we’re all in the same boat, but my god it has been months without a fix…


Still not fixed! frustrating…


Hi there, I figured I’d contribute as navigating this issue has been a massive headache as well as a large timesink (took almost half of my sub + more if you count the ticket time). Not only am I stuck on the same phase on my Evoker, I went ahead and levelled an entirely new character to 50 (which the quest chain should be doable on), only to be barred from it until I reached level 60. Which was frustrating, considering all the NPCs in the line were… Level 50.

So if anyone wants to make an alternate character, don’t try to rush to do it at 50 - you might be stuck and be forced to level up all the way to 60. I included this in my ticket, as well as various screenshots showing bugs on both my Evoker, and my Undead Hunter. I also won’t mention the extensive bugs / glitches I found while doing these quests (NPCs aggroing on me through bridges / being way out of aggro range, getting killed by said NPCs out of range, etc.)

I was met with an automatic responce to my ticket giving the usual bug fixes - even though my original ticket had countered all of these issues. I showed screenshots and even showed areas WoWHead mentioned and how I was stuck on a phase in Nazmir that is incompletable (and is very quest specific and clears up later in the quest line). I was also told to submit a Bug Report, to which I had linked to this thread in my original ticket, which I kept open even after unlocking on my Hunter. I was hoping to get some kind of official responce to this thread, to give better clarity, but was told “they do not give responces but instead forward it to the appropriate teams.” So, I’m at a complete loss there.

I don’t understand why this is still an issue - despite the fact that Dragonflight itself, is quite buggy. Evoker is frustrating to play due to these very issues (but is another topic altogether). They said they appreciate patience while they are working to find a fix - which they do not have at this time.

A friend of mine wondered if it was because Dracthyr are split between Alliance and Horde, but if this is an issue, I’d imagine the coding with the Pandaren could be used to fix / possibly reflect? The fact that GMs have been giving the quests out means there has to be some kind of work around. Apologies if I seem bitter, I know coding / running a game is not easy, but having been excited to come back with the new content and being met with this was… frustrating to say the least.

I hope that it gets fixed soon. If anyone has any questions or needs me to post my screenshots to help explain any possible bugs, let me know. I’m happy to provide. Wishing you all the best, and truly hope you’re able to unlock your trolls soon. <3


just ran into this about 5 mins ago. I have spent the last week trying to get trolls as i dont have much time to play. This is very upsetting


Still not fixed!



Still not fixed. This is insane.


Still broken on the Scryers realm… this is ridicules Blizzard fix your stuff and don’t just make us all wait a week for a patch.


i hate to even ask, but i really want my trolls. Would I have to redo everything on another character, or do the achievements count for the other character too?


So insane that this still isn’t fixed. Blizzard has responded to my tickets twice with completely useless messages.


and without any answer…


still broken, still sad

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The achievements will count on another character if you completed all of the prerequisites. So if you unlocked the entirety of Zandalari Forever (what I did), it counts for all of your other characters. If you got up to the point where you are blocked from continuing, you will unfortunately have to redo the later half of The Tides of Vengeance to get full credit for the bulk achievement. It only counts full completion, not any other kind of progress, unfortunately.

TLDR; Assuming you did Zandalari Forever, the only thing you should have to do is rework your way through the BFA main questlines to finish off Tides of Vengeance on another character.

I hope this helps!


Day 20 of it not working.


Where is blizzard?!?! Do they not have anyone checking there own games forums? Or some form of producer that can see “hey we have a s*** load of people with the same issue, maybe we should fix that!”

Completely embarassing company


Unfortunately, with the holiday release Blizzard ensured a poorly supported release. You have the holidays dropping the amount of actively working devs, so you get ~two weeks of skeleton crew. This means the release has had ~2 weeks of normal dev support. This could have all been avoided if Blizzard didn’t continue to stick to their guns about the ridiculous race unlocks.