That might not be a problem for you but you got problems nonetheless.
Because they’re not earning it, as was explained already.
The botter/afker decided they deserved access to content without earning access to the content - people noticed. That’s not authoritarianism that’s just holding people accountable like they personally agreed too.
You have actively said, albeit a while back, that you want party and raid members replaced with bots. Is this true or not true? Do you no longer feel this way?
That’s the neat part, it isn’t authoritarianism because other people have to feel like I feel in order to vote kick someone out. Granted this is for not random bgs as there is no vote kick, but in order for someone (you) to be kicked by someone (me), I will need the majority. So if the kick goes through, then it is actually a democractic vote, the opposite of what you’re listing it as.
Not sorry, most people have no tolerance for griefing. Not sorry that your existence in game is in and of itself, a grief to others.
Read it real slow. “… he prefers automated grouping and wants bots as players.”
You can prefer one current system, like automated groups, and also want a system that, until recently, didn’t exist but in a sense does for retail.
Not sorry that your braincells hit a brick wall with this one.
Yes, actively being a hinderance to all those around you is griefing.
“but but but I’m playing” I can hear you typing in response. Irrelevant. You’re far below sub optimal, you’re more like a waste of space with how you play. There’s an argument to be made that a random wsg group would be better off 9v10 without you than with you. At least then someone competent could join late.
I don’t know Wafectus, a lot of your stuff I don’t agree with but think you have the right to those opinions so it’s like whatever. However this is basically saying that people shouldn’t report AFKing or botting and acting like those pretty much universally disliked and against the games rules things are simply an alternative playstyle.
Where does just watching people get away with doing whatever they feel like, even if it’s clearly against the rules, stop then? Do you also think we should not report people breaking real-life laws and rules as long as they aren’t physically harming someone else, even if those things are borderline harmful to others?
It seems like you had an argument earlier regarding your “lone wolf playstyle” (which whatever on that, you are allowed to do things that are within the game rules if you want to) so you are bringing it over here saying that people shouldn’t tell others to play.
Although I do believe that, I never said they shouldn’t report the bots and AFKers. I said that I’m not bothered by their presence as much as they are to the point that I want to waste my time reporting them.
Do you have proof beyond a reasonable doubt that any and every player you might report is clearly breaking the rules?
You are under the assumption that I said people should not report people. I provided context for that and will be happy to provide it again, just for you, if you ask.
That would depend on the situation. Reporting criminals that aren’t bothering you directly can result in future consequences from them if they find out it was you.
Don’t know what you mean by that because I don’t see how I said anything like that.
So what did you mean when you said you wanted bots in game for instances and raids?
That’s not how reports work. Reports are just players notifying blizzard that another player maybe in violation of the rules. Players do not need evidence to report another player.
No, I don’t have enough information for that. I’ve reported botters and AFKers at times, not every time someone steps away for a minute, but when there seems to be a pattern.
It’s not my job to do the suspensions though, that’s Blizzards call. They have the data.
It’s fine if you don’t report, but my response was there because you seem to almost be shaming those who do. I find this to be a weird perspective.
This kind of thing is what surprised me enough to respond:
Essentially you’re saying that people should be able to play their way, but AFKing and botting isn’t playing at all. It’s the opposite of that.
I agree that there is a need to be smart when it comes to reporting criminal activities, but the perspective that people should be free to do whatever they want just leads to chaos.
Also, there are situations where if things aren’t reported, serious consequences can result. Then it is partially the fault of those who think it is “none of their business”. There was a story I watched recently where a woman died in the basement and the neighbors heard some suspicious things but did nothing, and that’s because they didn’t feel like getting involved. This is way off topic at this point but I’m just saying.
There’s another thread before this one where you’re saying that you should be free to play the battlegrounds as you like and people shouldn’t tell others how to play them. That’s what I was referencing. If you just came in here to say that someone who isn’t actually playing the game is fine with you because your BG queue popped then ok.
I’m not blind. I’ve seen players drive their tanks str8t into the ocean in SOTAs which I can safely assume that there is a 99% chance that it was a bot.
Perhaps I was shaming the reporters a little, but I’ll provide the proper context in that I meant it for the more report-happy people out there who report for little to no good reason.
I said people shouldn’t report others, under my hypothetical system.
Right. But then, I’ve been accused of both things. Things which I don’t engage in. So who’s making the determinations that someone is doing such things?
Not really.
You are attempting to add proper context to your point of view, and I personally think that there is validity to it even if I don’t completely agree with it. You’re not attempting to hide behind double meanings unlike some who “argue in good faith” around here.
What I tried to say is that I hold myself to a higher standard regarding what makes a team player and what doesn’t.
If people want to report for what they perceive as wrong-doing, that’s fine. I myself prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, even someone driving his tank-demolisher into the middle of the ocean. I’m not going to worry too much about what they’re doing but focus on my own efforts to help the rest of the team.
What a silly mental gymnastic, fine they grief most player who are capable of understanding that deadweight in the team doesn’t help them achieve the objectives of the BG.
It’s not supposed to when only you report. It does this when everybody in the BG reports them. If it was just one person it would be pretty easy to abuse haha. When you see people not contributing, call it out so others can look too. If they see what you see, they should report as well.
Yes, this could all just be trolling but I’ve seen enough of your posts over the years, where you have been passionate about solo queuing etc, to not just assume that.
Maybe that would be true if Blizzard was doing a good job with their software and no reporting, but they haven’t done a good job - even with reporting.
Plus they have told people to report botting at least in several blue posts and using other methods.
If you’re not comfortable with reporting someone because you might be wrong about what the report says, then don’t.
Many people have been accused of this stuff. I’ve been accused too.
I was told I was a bot when I was grinding hard at the end of my R14 on the original Mootwo-Earthfury. At that point I was online basically all the time as I wanted to get that week done done. I was doing WSG with two different teams even. Getting the honor cap took longer as a flag carrier. Then I went into one AV before bed and got called a bot, and told the person in /say that I wasn’t. Others probably thought I was too because of my honor numbers but oh well. My actions showed that I wasn’t. I’ve never gotten a suspension in-game or on these forums even though plenty of people have called me a troll here too.
I’ve also been called out for afking, like I had an emergency and stepped away for two minutes and my pug team was understandably yelling at me. I also fell asleep a few times. Had I gotten in trouble for either of those things then I would have taken ownership of that.
Since I’ve already been on the receiving end of them, I can tell you that you’re either ignorant and/or lying, usual behavior for Gaspathy, because exactly how I described it, is exactly how it works.