That’s like a bank robber saying he went to prison because the bank employees testified against him.
No; he went to prison because he robbed the bank.
That’s like a bank robber saying he went to prison because the bank employees testified against him.
No; he went to prison because he robbed the bank.
Cool, so you recognize that you did something worth reporting, got reported, and then actioned by Blizzard.
At no point in that did a player ban you.
Says the man with zero evidence of it, but his feefees are hurt and will just lie for sympathy. Sure.
If you AFK in a BG, you deserve to be kicked/actioned. It’s as simple as that and objectively true.
The ban comes from the action of being reported… dumbass.
I said a few bad words while defending myself; just the typical case in point, run of the mill bad words that never got anyone banned before…
Before… All that would ever come from reporting anyone for language was an email with the suggestion of turning on the language filter. That would have been the end of it.
The automated systems slowly came into place to the point where I didn’t know that being reported for language would now easily get you banned.
You can lie or be ignorant all you want; but hey, let it continue to happen to other players. They’ll see for themselves.
BTW, the youtuber staysafe has a video where he tests this exactly; where he got a bunch of people to report him and soon enough, he came back with a silence ban…
There was no “review” there.
The ban comes from a decision to ban made by Blizzard.
Blizzard is notified of the offense by reports.
You’re trying really hard to blame the players, instead of recognizing that YOU committed an offense and got action’d for it, completely of your own fault.
Not true at all, and you know it.
There is a distinct difference between swearing in a sentence, and using swears as direct insults. You have never been allowed to just directly insult other players in game, swearing or not. Your own example is an example of my previous sentence, swear or not, it’s just a direct insult and a violation of the forum CoC. Same applies in game. Ontop of that, Blizzard, with and without stated rules, can ban whoever they want for whatever they want. You do not own the game. You don’t even own your account. They don’t need you to even violate a rule to ban you.
You’re so intellectually dishonest it’s unreal, but truthfully I think you’re legitimately one of the most intellectual defunct individuals I’ve ever has the displeasure of interacting with.
The squelching system does not ban or suspend, only silences accounts that have been reported by multiple people in a short period of time for chat abuse. The squelch then leads to an investigation of the account’s actions.
The only other automated system is for names. Name “Example” gets actioned, player 2 then also uses “Example” as their name, and a single report can then get the player dc’d and needing a name change, as “Example” already has an action against it, so another investigation should lead to the same result as the first. You don’t need to investigate the same name multiple times.
There is no other automation. Feel free to go ask the blues in the CS forums. You won’t, because you know what I’m saying is correct and don’t want to get humiliated by blues.
Jesus Christ.
Yes, I’ve seen the Staysafe video, and I just rewatched it. He got squelched. That’s not a ban. It’s not a suspension. It’s not even a silence as that is a specific action by GM’s, but that said, squelch is basically a silence.
This does not further your point. It furthers mine that you have no idea what you’re talking about, and you basically got suspended because of your own actions and are ignorant of how any of this works.
Right. But you missed the whole point as usual with your gaslighting so you’re not worth discussing your long dossiers.
And this goes to show your ignorance; purposeful or not, I don’t know.
If you actually saw that video, He didn’t insult anyone or use abusive language at all.
You only get silenced the first-time dumbass. After that, they are direct suspensions; each increasing incrementally.
And you, and the company, unwittingly, not that you or they had any to begin with, prove yourselves to be liars and/or an ignoramuses if you didn’t know any of this.
No, I didn’t miss the point, you’re just ignorant and refuse to accept reality.
When did I ever say he violated the tos?
Squelch’s are automatic “silences” that are applied when a chat of yours is mass reported. It does not determine whether what you said is in violation or not, only there to prevent you from potentially doing it more. Your squelch then goes under review to determine if your account needs to be actioned.
It really isn’t that hard.
You’re just an ignorant clown screaming into the wind because of your own shortcomings.