Can't report people afk in BGs

ignored user, someone saying AFK’ers have a right to be in BG’s, that’s gotta be Wafectus with the insane brain rot.


I have a problem with anyone not playing my way, as I feel my way is the right way to win; botter, afker, or any bad player in general that is present and that is not exhibiting such traits.

I don’t feel I have the right to impose my authority regardless of what I see going on around me.

How would I ever know they’re bots unless they make it too obvious?

And what exactly did they to do me in the open world? Beat me to a node? I’m not the one that cries over that.

The AFKers you chastise in BGs aren’t doing it in dungeons. Only BGs allow the platform for them to AFK in.

And yes, it’s all a matter of perspective. That AFKer did pull his weight simply by queuing up and allowing a BG to pop in the first place. To me.

You guys, that have ever taken position against me, are just the bastion of socialization and civility.

What a barbarian I am to play this game in a matter not fit for the gregarious raiding culture I know it to be.

I’m on mobile so I don’t have the links on me, but you’re talking to an individual who wants blizzard bots in game to replace players, he actively chooses to do everything negative he can for his character, and then gets mad that others around him don’t want to tolerate it.

I understand these are the classic forums but I need to mention LKC for this. He ended season 8 hard stuck at 1650 crying about cheaters in arena. Come to find out, he uses a half and half elemental and enhancement build that did not grab either end cap talent, he ran half and half caster/melee gear, same for his gems and enchants. His weapon is a caster staff with agi enchanted with agi and parry gems.

You’re not talking to someone who understand the game, just a selfish individual who actively wants to grief any and all around him because “it’s my sub and my character I can do what I want.”

That mindset also explains fully why he prefers automated grouping and wants bots as players. It’s easier for him to grief.


Now it makes sense.


Is this a dig a meta slaves or is this you’re actual mindset when you play the game? I have zero issues with bad players as long as they are willing to learn.

It’s very obvious in both bg’s and open world. And you’re looking at the issue under a microscope, you need to broaden your view. There are countless threads on why bots are bad.

I’ve kicked a fair amount of people from dungeon groups for being afk. It does happen.

I’m baffled, but if this is true it certainly explains a lot.

Even though I never said that or at least not in the context you’re providing. It’s just Gaspathy being Gaspathy as usual.

You mean you want to use your self-imposed authoritarianism? Right.

A contradiction. Automated grouping would imply real players.

Which is it? Do I want bots or real players?

And here’s the authoritarianism I was talking about… It’s griefing based on his ilk’s criteria of what griefing YOUR same criteria Bravery and Cezar.

And if I’m not willing to learn? Guess what kind of reply you are going to come at me with. I’ll clue you in, authoritarianism.

I never said botting was bad.

Even by your own set tone, very rarely. The AFKers don’t go to dungeons to AFK.

So as you prove my point, I’m not an AFKer of botter but am now subject to the same treatment for being perceived as bad.

Do you spend ALL your free time trolling the forums? Seems like every time I pop into one you’re there stirring the pot saying something purposefully ignorant for the fun of it. Nobody wants to have inactive members on their team but you’re the type to defend them anyway.

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Speak of the devil!!

You’re someone I vividly remember PvPing with through Wrath, where I judged your performance as being selfish and a pitiful team player yourself.

I even gave you some verbal thrashings; not that it matters if you remember them or not.

Quick anecdote though…

In one of the WSGs you were in with me. You left after a while of a stalemate where I managed to cap the flag as the hero…

You had messed up several caps by that point by not standing near the cap spot where instead you were running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Not to mention various Wintergrasps of your disdainful behavior.

Literally everything I did in pvp was for a victory or another achievement. I got my 100 wins and stopped pvping altogether because I was sick of the amount of inactive players. The fact that you specifically remember me from more than half a year ago is almost flattering but ultimately pretty sad.

Not from what I saw.

Ahh, the great WoW PvPer you just are.

I’m President Nixon when I play the game.

I keep an extensive enemy list with descriptions.

How’s your insurance? Sounds like you need to go to an optometrist.

My guy you are contradicting yourself left and right and making an awful lot of assumptions. We’re done here.

I stand by my initial statement, you definitely got the brain rot.


You’re not interested in hearing my defense to why I’m not contradicting myself?

Not me.

The Primary WoW PvE culture, your culture, is a culture of racists.

More assumptions, I barely even pve you dumb rat.

Honestly I wouldn’t waste my time if I were you. This guy’s about as rational as the methh heads that yell things at parked cars. I gleaned as much from his rantings.

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Why so you can contradict yourself some more? Apathy was 100% right about you.

Yeah, I’m done. He’s clearly just trying to stir the pot.

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You represent the same kind of toxicity. You only denied that you don’t PvE.

M… heads? Labeling people are we not? :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Gaspathy was right about me? Shocking.

Your entire demeanor and attitude is the entire proof in the pudding.

The bots and AFKers…

aren’t the one berating others.

Interesting, tell us more.