Can't queue for dungeons at 60 (solved)

No. Mists of Tirna Scithe was unlocked when I got the quest for it. It disappeared from the list when I hit 60.

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^ This is what happened to me. This is why I was expecting to be able to queue for the dungeon at level 60.

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Congrats, you donā€™t have the ilvl to queue for those dungeons. Maybe get that first and THEN youā€™ll be fine.

You do know you have to get to certain points in questing in the different zones to unlock them .

You have to do all of the leveling campaigns to unlock them and to pick a covenant.

No. Read the posts. Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m talking about.

The issue is resolved when completing the story line. The problem is a UI issue, it should have a note saying ā€œComplete the storyline to unlock this dungeonā€ in it.

This it what it looks like upon finishing Revendreth, which is almost identical to what I Photoshopped in the first post:

I think itā€™s item level requirement, because right now I canā€™t queue for heroic dungeons and if I hover my mouse over the locked ones it says that I need ilevel 155 or higher to queue for heroic dungeons. Hope that helped.

I only remember getting one quest to run a dungeon, anyway. I had one in bastion and then just completed the rest of the campaign afterwards and didnā€™t see any quests to enter dungeon

mouse over the lock and tell us what ilvl it says. Also post on your main so we can see what your ilvl is

Thatā€™s just not true. Iā€™ve done them on normal at level 60. Iā€™ve done the one multiple times tanking to assist friends.

Updated the first post to clarify for people not reading the replies.

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It is though:

Thatā€™s after hitting 60 in Ardenweald. I was going to do Mists of Tirna Scithe for the quest but it disappeared from the list of Normal dungeons when I hit 60. It seems that I have to complete Revendreth to get access to it again (along with Necrotic Wake and Plaguefall) which makes no sense whatsoever.

I agree that you should not be required to complete the storyline to queue for the 4 leveling dungeons at level 60. It was not like this in the past.

That is the source of the confusion.

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This is my main and it still shows as level 50. Not sure why youā€™re assuming people are not posting on their main.

you need an Ilvl 144 for those dungeons once hitting 60, except for halls of atonement

This is probably it, they all scale to 60 as soon as you hit 60. Before hand, they have set levels.

That is not the issue being discussed. The post is about the 4 leveling dungeons being unlisted from the Normal difficulty dungeon finder when hitting level 60 before completing the storyline.

you can still do them just que random

You canā€™t, we tried. Using the random queue at level 60 before completing the storyline only queues you into the level 58 Halls of Attonement.

Thank you, i very much appreciate that!


Oh that drop me nuts. I hit 60 halfway through Ardenweald, and then suddenly I couldnā€™t finish my last two dungeon quests. I had been about to file a bug report til one of my guildies suggested joining a covenant first and seeing if that would unlock it.