Can't queue for dungeons at 60 (solved)

It is a UI issue with people that have not completed the storyline and hit level 60 before Blizzard intended them to.

After completing the storyline, you are able to queue for the 4 leveling dungeons at level 60 on Normal difficulty and they do not have an ilevel requirement.

This is how it looks like after finishing the storyline:


  1. Not being able to practice a dungeon on Normal difficulty at 60 means we will have a much harder time doing it on Heroic

  2. It’s much more difficult to gear up for the new, unlocked Normal dungeons at 60 since we can’t get gear from the “leveling” dungeons that should be available and upscaled to 60

  3. It negatively impacts players trying to queue for dungeons while leveling because level 60 players cannot help fill roles in the queues


You just need a bit more ilvl and it all unlocks. You can get better rewards from the quests to up your ilvl.

I dont understand this? they are all unlocked for me and have always been, is your ilvl to low to queue or something? you know the quests love throwing out free ilvl 140+ gear. plus world quests.

huh. I went into the expac with heroic raid gear, and nothing at all has been locked.

You should be able to queue for the “leveling” dungeons at level 60.

There are additional dungeons that are added once hitting 60, and are locked behind an ilevel requirement (which is fine, and has always been this way).

My post is about you should still be able to queue for the “leveling” dungeons at 60 to help you gear up to start entering the new level 60 dungeons.

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To make it even more confusing, you can browse the “leveling” dungeons in the Adventure Guide on Normal Difficulty and see that they reward ilevel 158 loot, even though you can’t do them on Normal at level 60.

… did you spam BGs to hit 60 or something? I’m having trouble figuring out why dungeons wouldn’t unlock. They unlocked for me as I leveled and quested. There are 4 “leveling dungeons” that scale up to 60 and 4 “endgame” normals that just require slightly more ilvl to queue for.

No, I leveled as normal (questing) and hit 60 while in Ardenweald. I’ve been doing gathering professions and got a fair amount of XP from that, which may have contributed to hitting 60 early.

Why would the “leveling” dungeons’ appear in the Adventure Guide as doable at level 60 on Normal, when we indeed cannot do them?

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your ilvl needs to go up, finish revendreth. You haven’t even finished the campaign.

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I’m not talking about doing the level 60 dungeons that unlock at level 60. I’m talking about the leveling dungeons from the 4 zones.

Not doable at 60 on Normal difficulty:
-The Necrotic Wake
-Mists of Tirna Scithe
-Halls of Attonement

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Those dungeons unlock as you progress the campaign. I think they are tied to the different zones.


I have already been able to do them while leveling through the zones and did the associated quests with them. I am unable to do them at all at level 60. They are not even blocked by an ilevel requirement, they’re completely unavailable.

These are the dungeons available to me as a level 60 (I am not talking about the ilevel requirement I need to reach, I am talking about the other 3 dungeons completely missing)

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Oh I had the same problem. I had access to all of the once my ilvl went up.

You are able to queue for all dungeons if you meat a sufficient item level.

Spend like and hour and gearing up and you’ll be able to get in

Oy vey

You get good gear from the campaign and torgast, and we to increase it pretty fast.

So it’s a UI issue then.

I was expecting to see all of the zones doable at Normal. In my above screenshot you can clearly see those 3 dungeons are missing and Halls of Attonement is stuck at 58.

It’s confusing to hit 60 in Ardenweald and be locked out of all of the dungeons and see 3 of them missing from the list.

No, I just hit 60 in Ardenweald and I’m seeing the same thing as OP. The only thing I have left to do in Ardenweald is the quest to kill the last boss in Mists of Tirna Scithe and I can’t even queue for it. I always wait till the end of a zone to do the dungeon quests (I did Necrotic Wake at the end of Bastion and Plaguefall at the end of Maldraxxus). I’m on my way to Revendreth now but can’t queue for the first three dungeons (two of which I’ve already done) because they’re not showing up on the list, because reasons?

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Yes that was my exactly issue too which caused me to notice it. I hit 60 in Ardenwealed and couldn’t queue for the Ardenweald dungeon to do the quest. This lead to further confusion of why the leveling dungeons are not shown on the list for Normal difficulty once you hit 60.

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Those dungeons unlocked as I went through the campaign questline - you’ll also get specific quests to do in each of those dungeons.

@Siersha Your character looks rad. Refreshing to see a tasteful transmog on a less common race/class combo.

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