Can't post in beta forums

I just got into beta via a key from a beta key giveaway. I’m not currently subbed, so I can’t post in most forums except for this one. I’m not sure if that’s why I can’t post in the beta forum even though I have beta access now.

I was able to download beta and log into it and play, but even after logging out of the forums and back in, I still can’t post in the beta forum. I also tried logging out, deleting all cookies and logging back in.

edit 9/18: still no luck yet, but I guess if they have to manually flag people it probably wasn’t going to happen over the weekend.

edit: 9/19: still nothing yet :frowning:

For forum access, they have to go in and flag your account manually for beta forums. That can take awhile after you have access to the beta itself. Try again in a few hours and it could take up to a few days.


Good to know, thanks. I’ll try again later/tomorrow.

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You might have to try this again later. That forces the update through to your forum flags.


Still no luck yet.

Try logging out and then back in to the forums.

I just logged out, deleted all cookies and logged back in.

It is possible that because it was a key and not the normal flagging that we do to invite folks into beta that the account didn’t receive permissions.

I’m not seeing the license that you’d need for access.

I’ve reached out to see what I can learn and I’ll let you know. :slight_smile:


Thanks for looking into it!

I was wondering if part of the problem was that I’m not currently subbed, but I do have beta access via the key and have been logging in and playing beta since I got the key. Maybe the beta forums require both?

Not that I could see. The beta forum only looks to require the beta license, not an active account.


I also got a beta key have had it since Thursday last week and still cannot post in Beta Forums. Between that and my importing UI having locked me out of 2 servers its a tad frustrating but patience n all that.

Its really appreciated to see some communication though.

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I’m having the same problem as OP but I’ve been an active customer for 16 years. I volunteered for DF beta, and a few days ago I see that the beta download was available (no email from blizzard) so I downloaded and have been playing beta for a few days now. However, I cannot post in the beta forum, only like posts that other people have written.

Update: I logged out of the forum and back in, and now it looks like I can post to the beta forum. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Out of everyone posting, I see what I would think would be the license that grants posting in beta forums, which isn’t often something I as a fellow player can see on other posters lately. b-license-145. Try logging out and back in a few times.

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It isn’t that as I don’t have beta, but I do have b-license-145 showing on the forums.

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145 was the previous beta license, it isn’t the current one.


Thanks for clarifying, was hopeful the log out trick would work.

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It seems to be fixed now, thanks. I didn’t post anything yet, but I now have the reply buttons and the new post button can actually be pressed now.


I’m having this issue as well. I was given a key from the lore contest last Wednesday and have tried logging in and out multiple times over the last week, with no luck. I’ve tried logging out of all devices, incognito mode, etc. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

It looks like the keys weren’t tied to forum privileges, but we’ve reached out to have that looked into.