Cant login, keep getting disconnected?

yep same here

We need more in-game shop items and extended subscriptions to ensure these poor small startup companies can feed their employees!

Ah, well, good to know it wasnā€™t just meā€¦

I logged in fine, logged out to switch characters and it was all over for me. Logging in just produces a loading screen that never completes and eventually kick me back to title.

small indy dev company.

Same here. I get disconnected every time. Even told me my character was not found.

Yep, of course this happens when I hop back on lol

yeah, gets to about 80% and then hangs, and then disconnect

got booted off 2 hours agoā€¦not able to STILL log in and my main server isnt even upā€¦but, yeah tried to log onto another server and keep getting booted as well

Can we please get conforimationt hat season ends on the 22nd or the 23rd? Or at what time? Or if it ISNT ending at that time?

Same, what the hell blizz!!!

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Another stellar maintenance day from Blizzard

Same problem here.

Private servers literally run on better hardware than the official Blizzard servers.

Not an understatement at all. Theyā€™re genuinely putrid. People need to demand better.

well better than what was told to us about item upgradesā€¦

Translationā€¦ we know whatā€™s wrong and Weā€™ll get to when we feel like itā€¦ and then weā€™ll see what happensā€¦

Well, canā€™t log in.

Given any thought to wow 2 yet? Where you rewrite all the code from scratch and make things work right so that this stuff doesnā€™t happen any more?

So you are giving permission to boop the snoop??

Itā€™s happening again today. 7/16/24


Yes, was happening to me last night, got fixed and now I havent been able to log in since reset.

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canā€™t login either, OCE

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well ya fixed it short term an happeneing again an before anyone says ddos it isnt, ddos doesnt make content disapear this is a total blizz issue an after 2 days of it, think we should be getting something back for time we paid for


same issue here, canā€™t camp or log out using the menu. have to literally right click game on desk top tray to cancel it. Annoying.