Cant login, keep getting disconnected?

In Russia game plays you

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Was able to log in, but cant upgrade my gear at all

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Also cant upgrade gear. Not sure why


Some view it as status to say they did it, other’s similar to trolls and griefs either domit for attention, or because they get pleasure out of messing with people.

Maybe hamster needs to be replaced instead.

Back to being broken again :confused:

yes!!! not happy!!!

It is indeed back.

same thing plus i can’t log out. have to press alt f4 to get out of game

Yep same thing

yup, screwed again. Can’t even get a list of servers I have characters on.

yeah, gets to about 75% and then hangs, and then disconnect


“me too”

Just started happening to me. Tried to log out and couldn’t so I had to alt F4 and now can’t log in at all.

ugh. Now I have to visit the real world. bruh.

i can log on but the load screen wont end had to alt f4 it gonna shut services down completely on my pc see if its just a widespread bug with the new update just happening… didnt fix it

yeah, gets to about 75% and then hangs, and then disconnect

No word from BlizzCS yet? Been going on about 30 min at least now.