Cant log onto character after DC


Same issue Corpsejaman Area 52 was just trying to do open world quests randomly started unable to heartstone and then game wouldn’t let me logout/exit game.

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Copied from my other post

5 out of our 10man raid group experienced the following issues

-Input was frozen, no abilities were usable, but we could still run around.
-We could still see our non-affected members running around and using abilities, but they said we were all sitting still at the entrance.
-We were still able to type in chat and others could see it.
-Unable to use “Exit Game” button from game menu.
-Everyone reported their World and Home Latency were fine.

From reading several other posts, it seems like this fairly wide spread.

Please help, it’s raid night :frowning:


Still happening. i’ve done 2 m+ dungeons, on two different characters, and both are now locked out of the game because of this

still happening on wyrmrest. beeing going on for the last 5+ hours. multiple unexplained d/cs or unable to interact with my character then must force log, won’t even log out. totally ruined this evening. come back to wow after 14 years and this kind of stuff is still happening?!?! lol on getting extra play time out of this either.

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Still happening,
In Raid, after looting first Beetle guy everyone who looted got stuck, all others were able to move around, we logged out and kicked the stuck people. after a short period of time, we were able to log in. We killed the first boss, half the people who looted the boss got stuck, we gave up.

Now that I’ve been able to log back in, I’m getting no loot from the dungeons I ran. Both of my characters were able to log back in to completed dungeons, but neither of them were able to collect any gold or items, and no mail was sent from the postmaster. I got absolutely nothing out of either m+ dungeon. At this point the game is completely unplayable, since there’s no point in doing anything when there’s no reward and the game crashes.

any chance we’ll be able to collect loot from m+ runs that experienced this issue? now that im back on my characters, they’ve received nothing and no mail from the postmaster

Game masters are generally hands off when it comes to repeatable content. You’re welcome to ticket and ask once the all-clear has been given, but I don’t recommend getting your hopes up.

same thing happened to me and i was just trying to loot hallowfall trash definetly a problem right now

Just did a delve and it did the same thing after boss kill ^^ before I could even open the chests at the end )=

Happened to my raid as well. To SEVEN people the moment we went to loot the first trash mob (myself included). Characters not bugged could use abilities and their ability animations did not disappear.

So one of us pulled Ulgrax
 and for those bugged, he didn’t despawn. So then we pulled him again, and again, and again. I’ve got a few hilarious screenshots of eight ulgraxes up at once and a metric ton of holy hammers twirling in a circle now so that’s a plus. At 9 Ulgraxes it finally force-booted all of us and I was able to log back into the character.

Server hamsters are not having a good day. Unfortunate that it happened on raid night :c


id love to see the pic lmao =)

I wish to see that as well.

Had a dungeon instance freeze entirely but chat remained active. Character placements and animation didn’t update though. Game didn’t boot any character offline and all aspects of the game couldn’t be interacted with. Happened the moment the key ended.


Happened to me again. Same thing as last time. I went through the coreway, turned in the wax quest (last time I picked up the wax quest) and then I lost control. I can still see everyone around me moving around.

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Just adding on to this, I’m doing a Dragon Isles world quest on a few toons (“Extermination” in Thaldraszus), and every time I complete the quest and get loot, I get this bug. Can’t use abilities, can’t log out, buffs don’t fall off, existing AoE effects remain, etc.
If I try to log back into the same character, I get the “character already exists” error, and if I log into a different character and go to the same spot, I actually see my OTHER character there. Extremely odd.


This happened to me on 2 different characters for M+. First person opened the chest and then everything went to crap. Couldn’t use any abilities, had to alt f4 and wait 30~ mins to log back into that character. After getting back on affected character, there was no mail or anything waiting with drops, stones, or crests.

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Same thing happened to me. I don’t think postmaster delivers currencies either which really sucks. I need my gilded crests :cry:

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That’s what happened to my priest (Gnieya-Mal’ganis), so I swapped to my shaman, and my priest was removed from the raid group. When I did log into her, she was still somehow saved to the first boss - even though she wasn’t online or in the raid group for the kill. :frowning:

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