Can't log on

Hi i’m having trouble logging onto launcher so i can’t get onto WoW. was wondering if anyone else is having this issue.

I just keep getting told ‘could not log into’ then i get an error code BLZBNTBGS80000011

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Same, it’s not just you

Yes. They are also aware of the issue but they don’t know why it’s happening.

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Ok i’m glad it’s not just me haha

Same lol. I was getting frustrated. Now it shows a queue time and there’s a Breaking News thing at the bottom you can click on and it tells you. I just want to play cata classic /cry.

Yeah that’s what i’m trying to get on as well lol

Can also try Tech Support.

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It’s not just the desktop app. It’s also the phone app.

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Looks like they posted about it on twitter/x ‘We’re currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts.’


Didn’t know about the desktop app. Only new about the mobile one because I’m on my phone right now.

A lot off issues, today besides this one LOL

this dont really help when everyone is being affected my friend maybe directing us to an obvious spot that wont get us any answers isnt the move lol FYI people just want to verify they arent the only ones having log in problems :slight_smile:

Looks like i’m possibly finally getting in. i have now been placed in a 4 minute que

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did you get in?

Still in que. will update when/if i get in

I’m not opposed to things being posted in the correct location. So the right people at the company can see it and add it onto their never ending list of things to “fix” :stuck_out_tongue:

I just wish the people at blizz that “care So much” bout us players actually did

WTB Q&A team back

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Still in que. keeps going up it now says 7 minutes

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Feels like we are In an episode of Jojos bizzare adventures and blizzard is Dio

I have no idea what that is but now i wanna check it out lol

High key feel like we are The z fighters and the narrorator is telling us “next time in blizzard ball z will blizzard let their players play the game or will bugs and maintence get in the way of players going super saiyan find out next time on blizzard ball z”

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