Can't log on

Still in que it’s now gone up to 8 minutes. guess i will just stay in que and hope for the best

mine has said 5 mins for the past 10 mins now

mine is saying 21min queue, then drops to 20, then rolls back to 21min.

so yea, I’m just gonna close bnet and wait until maintenance is over then try again

we can all cry together

screw it yall wanna stream solo leveling while we wait XD

Mine has been saying less than 1 minute for over a half an hour.


Ugh it’s 4AM would rather be playing cata classic but guess sitting in que is next best thing :slight_smile:

At least we’re not suffering alone :rofl:

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blizz said suffer well and meant that ish

Yeah that would suck

tempted to post my cord link in here and inv yall to watch some movies or sum
yall wanna watch sonic 3 ?

:rofl: That may not be the best idea



Have made it down to a 4 minute que again. back to where i started 21 minutes ago

“2 mins” left for me

Bypassing the client puts you in a queue but when it comes your time to connect it automatically disconnects.

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I’ve been at <1 minute for about 48 minutes now.

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Pretty much the same here :frowning:

That’s what i’m at now. oh god i don’t have much hope now

“Login Servers are Full”
“Position in queue, 7”
“Estimated time, 7 minutes”

And it’s counting down, 7/7, 6/6, 5/5.

I guess one person is getting in, per minute. :slight_smile:

Well i guess i might as well go finish The Last of Us part 1 on PS5 while i wait.