Can't get BfA starter quests or start War Campaign

exactly just to say it easi bfa is completely removed for alliance lol to say it like that xD so the problem now is yes we can level to 50 in other expansion but the issue being is when we reach lvl 50 we cant progress cant get the neck we cant gear our alts up cause yea how u gonna do bfa dungeons mythic+ etc lolol so yeah

ah well this wil be fixed in a next hotfix so most likely in 1 week

Definately bugged! no starter quest to BFA anymore in SW… he’s on strike

the quest tides of war that shows up on lvl 10 so u can lvl to 50 in bfa is complete disabled as wel lsince latest hotfix there is plenty of threads abotu this already u just created a new on so i would recomment reading the others tons of poeple having the issue not getting acces to bfa with the tides of war quest… there is alot of topics opened for it and alot of poeple sharing the same problem blizzard just simply ignoring us so dont expect this to be fixed anytime soon atleast not before a new hotfix

I also thought this would fix itself by reaching 50 and it does not. I’m actually worse off now than before, stuck in WoD timeline which Chromie won’t let me leave. No BFA starter and can’t enter Heart Chamber

They also ignored my ticket with the usual response telling me to visit wowhead. Support is a joke

Same - noticed though that the necklace quest for magni was listed under Orgrimmar just before i stepped through portal … did they only mess up alliance?

atm it seems like only alliance yea and poeple saying they thought it only becomes available on 50 is wrong bfa is also a zone to lvl in from 10 to 50 so the normal timeline and before the latest hotfix every level 10 could pick it up form the guard next to the command board… but since the latest hotfix the quest is completely gone, and also taking the boat to orgrimmar doesnt work, i maded a new night elf completed exile’s reach and same thing not getting start quest for bfa also not for allied races its completely removed for alliance

so many threads already and yet there is nothing on mmo-champion or wowhead about this also blizzard just ignoring is this wont be fixed for atleast a solid week cause knowing blizzard they arent gonna implement a new hotfix until they have more fixes ready only just fixing this bfa issue is to much effort for them wich they will not do,

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just finised exile’s reach with a night elf and same problem cant choose to go to bfa in no way

Been furiously typing into wowhead to find out what to do. Glad I found this thread…

i tested a normal character maded 1 night elf completed exile’s reach did the stormwind tour and still it doesnt let me choose bfa to level at… there is nothing on wowhead neither on mmo-champion but there is atleast 5-6 different threads here and we just gettingignored its for 2days now already im having a hard time to believe blizzard dont know about it we are just getting left behind in the dark ticket wait time went from 2 days to 5 days so i canceld my sub i know im gonna get hate now but its weird to me how a game after 15 years and a billion dolar company stil dont know how to communicate and atleast let us know they are aware of it… cause im sure they are srry if im talking like moron now but its such a shame we just have to deal with it for probably by knowing blizz another week.

i did exiles reach 5 times now completed the stormwind tour 5 times just to see if it only bugs sometimes but no succes maded 5 allied races to test as well no succes lol

Just hit 50 on my Dwarf Hunter I created after patch.

No quest to start BfA. I get to Boralus and I can get some quests, like PvP ones and WQs, but I cant start the War Campaign or unlock the ports to Zandalar.

no cause the quest we all need for that called tides of war ir somehow removed or disabled and after al this continues threads and tickets blizz still says screw them let them suffer lol oh yes and ofc as ussual it only affects alliance again it never effects hord pretty strange tbf lol

also world quest u only get if u did the quest after 50 to complete the neck when u get the neck u have to go to boralus and pick the quest on ship up to unlock world quest, so the fact u have the wqs without being able to get the neck cause u cant do the bfa intro quest also tells how bugged everything is now, cause on lvl 50 i got the quest to get the neck but because i cant do the intro for bfa magni isnt doing anything in silithus not allowing me to get the necklace so i cant go to the ship and complete the quest to unlock wqs

Little tip for those that can still do WQ but cant port there.

You can always hop on the ship in Echo Isles Durotar and sail to Zuldazar that way.

yea i figured butit still tell me how broke it is cause to get the neck only works if u have acces to bfa otherwise magni on the chamber is doing nothing wich means u cant get the quest to unlock wqs, so if i go there now and i can do wqs tells me something is rlly going wrong lol

cause i have the quest to get the neck but cause i cant unlock bfa with the start quest i cant comlete that quest for the neck cause the chamber is empty so that should now allow me in boralus on the ship to complete that quest for unlocking wqs its so weird whats going on right now just after a hotfix lol

Adding my name to this list of people with this problem. Leveled from 1 to 50 on a brand new Shaman via WoD. Got to 50, got booted back to the 'main timeline", got Magni telling me to come get the Heart, and then it just arbitrarily stopped.

Can get to Boralus via the portal in SW and get the quest to turn on World Quests, but can’t do anything else. Can’t unlock Nazj, can’t boost the Heart/unlock the Heart Abilities, can’t do any N’zoth stuff.

hmm weird how u can can the quest to unlock wqs i simply cant cause u need to complete the quest first thats gives u the neck… but somehow u got the quest to unlock wqs? this is rlly strange man