The only weird/interesting thing I have to note is that the portal room in Boralus is fully open with Stormwind, Silithus, Exodar, and Ironforge…so everything but Nazjatar…as if I’ve already done Come Sail Away. (I’m on a void elf, not a Kul Tiran, so there shouldn’t be any portals there before the quest to talk to the mages.)
My only other thought would be to ask if anyone picked up the quest yesterday on an alt, but didn’t do it, and see if they’d be able to share. I checked, and none of mine have it.
That’s happening because if you are not in a timewalking state, you are in the “current” timeline, which is Shadowlands.
Portals to older content always unlock once the content is suitably dated, regardless of your state of having been there or not. IE, It’s the reason we’ve been able to access the Cataclysm portals for years, even if we haven’t actually done any cataclysm content on X character.
However, the same does not apply to in-expansion content. IE, if you want to get to the Throne of Thunder, you need to do the quest to start it’s storyline. if you want to get to Argus, same deal. Nazj is the same for BFA, which is why we can’t access it just by going to Boralus.
They were not there until after that quest when doing that questline on a different alt yesterday, but they are there on anyone who’s currently bugged out of it.
Kul Tiran lv10 was able to get “The Nation of Kul Tiras”, however, once reaching Boralus, the war campaign section simply disappeared. I didn’t notice until I got on the ferry to Ashvane and Taelia wasn’t with me.
Made a fresh night elf mage, going through exiles reach. Hoping to be able to come back and say it’s fixed but I’m probably just being hopeful~
Had anyone from Alliance made it to Boralus and be able to stay on the war campaign?
I don’t see how or why shadowlands is “current content” when we don’t have access to it, it hasn’t been released so we should be allowed to complete the tasks that we want to complete while we wait for the delay. It was great to have something new to do while we waited, now most of us are running around SW like naked fools, lol.
I’d go back to farming appearances but idk how to play Druid anymore rofl.
When I leveled to 50 in Legion with a new char, I automatically got the Magni quest to go to the Chamber of Heart. The portal to Boralus was also available. But there was no quest to start the BFA quest chain. So I’m in Boralus, picking up flight points and doing world quests, but can’t travel to Zuldazar because I have no quest chain to do so. I am sad!
Yeah both my sister and I are having this issue basically if your toon wasn’t already in BFA you’re SOL on alliance… it’s bs I mean I’m mainly a horde player but this is nuts!! I’m happy I can get in on it with my horde toons but ffs all I wanna do is play the ally side of things and I can’t!!
they are working on it atleast finally after 3 days so yeah only part i dont like is we might still have to wait till wednesday maintenance or maybe even longer so for now we just have to play in old content on max lvl or lvl alts up xD
Like to add my DK to this list. Basically I can not get my DK up right now, blizzard does not give me the ability to stick him in the right quest line. I mean I can load him up on the ship to kultiras but once the DK gets there nothing happens, no quests or anything opens up for him. My DK just sits there waiting for quests to open up nothing does. So my DK is having a hard time finding what to do next, especially since he is only a level 45. I spoke to chromie but what she offered me was used up previously and my DK wanted the BFA quests. I loved getting in that BFA on my main and other alts. So blizzard give a hand to my DK and help him get into that BFA…
atm all we can do is just level to 50 in other content wich is possible cause i just did and hopefully they will implement the fix this wednesday on the maintancne so we have to hold on for 2 more days (Hopefully)
Same problem on a Rogue I made. I leveled through Exile’s reach, there -was- tides of war available for me while I was 1-49, but I decided not do do it. When I hit 50 it disappeared. I did the magni quest for neck, but there was no followup to lead me into Boralus;
I can do BFA side quests, but none of the main zone quests, or nazjatar, or 8.3 (which is a separate issue on another char I made where I get the quest post nazj but Anduin is replaced by Turalyon, so you can’t trigger the thing where he punches Wrathion).
GMs said to check wowhead, wowhead quest checker thing said my character has -not- completed Tides of War and that it should be available, but it isn’t.
My ticket is reopened, been re-opened for like 3 days. There really is a simple solution to all this – a GM just adds the quest to my log; But it would appear GMs are either lazy or incompetent.
Yup, i was JUST about to post the exact same thing. LOL you just beat me to it.
“We have received multiple reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.”
Same here. I just reached 50 and the breadcrumb that was there isn’t there anymore. I got to 50 about 3 days ago on my Dark Iron, and had no problems starting BFA. Now I can’t. What’s going on Blizz?
its like this for 2 days now only thing we can do on max lvl characters is fly around in old expansion cause we have no idea howlong it will take them for a fix