Can't get BfA starter quests or start War Campaign

Hey, so a few people in trade chat and I spent hours yesterday testing things for this bug (I am on Blackrock Alliance myself). Here is what we found so far:

Starting a brand new character and going through Exile’s Reach, upon reaching Stormwind and SKIPPING the tour at the beginning, we were unable to get the quest to do BfA. The text when selecting to skip the tour does say select a timewalking campaign, but I can’t imagine they mean to lock you out.

Since I skipped the tour, I tried to find Jaina or Mathias in SW and accept the quest that way, no luck.

I took the boat to Boralus and searched all of the city. i could pick up side quests in some areas, but not start the campaign.

I walked out to Silithus and checked with Magni, but he wouldn’t talk to me and I could not use the portal.

I also tried talking to Chromie, timewalking to a different campaign, then ‘returning’ to my current timeline, nothing ever changed.

I then tried all of the steps listed above with my old Paladin on another server, one who was part way through WoD and is now 42, and he also was not able to start the BfA campaign.

After this I decided to go and reroll my new character, except when I got to SW I elected to take the tour. After the tour was over, I immediately received the quest to go meet in the keep and then go meet Jaina and head to Kul Tiras.

Another player (Blackvain-AzjolNerub) and I tested during this time my ability to share quests with him or to follow me and hopefully find where it starts. I was unable to share any quest with him up until the point I started receiving gathering quests for Ashvane Trading Company, and at this point we have stopped testing.

So, note to people rolling new characters that want to do BfA, TAKE THE TOUR. Hope this helps :slight_smile:


yea they know about the tour part its mainly the issue alts or new characters like allied races are people turning lvl 50 are screwed over with nothing and the lvl 50 ones with only wqs… but they have maintenance this wednesday so hopefully that fixes it we have to deal with this for 3 more days

Well, I can say that after reaching 50, Magni contacts me for the heart of azeroth.

yea but that will only give u the other quest to unlocks wqs and thats it

It’s not letting me post a link to the screenshot I have, but I noticed on my newly 50 Lightforged Draenei that the quest for the Heart of Azeroth was listed under “Orgimmar” in the quest log categories. Might be related to the bug preventing BfA access.

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yep its all screwed up i had the same its typical how it always affects alliance and never horde xD… but yea it did the same for me, but yea we have to deal with it for 3 days thats when they have maintenance and server restarts

so on their twitter where they posted about This week’s maintenance schedule there is a guy saying Hopefully, we get this fixed: A lot of people cannot start BFA and than a link to one of these forums with all the post and even there they just simply ignoring it lol

I run dual accounts.

Created 2 new Troll druids last week. One Zandi and one Classic. Both were able to get the BFA quest starter

Had 2 Human Paladins dumb downed to 21. Both were able to start BFA

Yesterday started a 2 Vulpera Monks. Both able to start BFA

Today created a Kul Tiran Shaman and a Dwarf Shaman. Neither one can access the BFA starter quests.

ye 2 days ago everything was still fine also funny part the lvl 50 quest for necklace u get is on the Orgrimmar catogorie for me so somehow im a horde playing as alliance LOL

I have the same problem on a freshly leveled kul’tirn. Was able to get the neck from magni and then nothing after that. Tried logging in and out several times and even clearing out the quest log.

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yea ques we just need to wait for maintenance on 21st october

when u dont touch chromie it puts you in the current timeline but i still get the feeling it puts u in a different phased timeline cause instead of being able to pick up tides of war for bfa it only shows us the kings command quest wich is for pandaria so it feels like it puts us on the pandaria timeline by default and not in the actual current timeline

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Same experience. Quite awful that they will not even acknowledge this bug, much less hot-fix it or anything. Alliance just can’t progress. :confused:

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So I’ve tried this out on four different characters so far, just in the interest of experimentation (and stalling finishing paperwork.) None of them have any quests from the person beside the hero’s call board in Stormwind, and Chromie doesn’t offer any option to return to the “current” timeline. I’m going to try it with a new character from Exile’s Reach and I’ll edit this post to report my findings. EDIT: Using a newly created character (Night Elf Druid) in Exile’s Reach, I was able to reach BFA by doing the Stormwind tour quest.

This is obviously a game-breaking bug and it needs to be fixed ASAP.

EDIT Part Deux: Maybe if any of the dev team actually played Alliance, this would have been caught before it went live. But here we are.

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if u do exile’s reach and skip the stormwind tour u dont get the quest but if u do it and dont skip the tou than u will get it tryed that this morning

Had the same issue. What I did to fix it was to turn off war mode & take port from org to Zuldazar, at which point “The warchief’s order”(Nazj intro q) quest suddenly popped into my log. I hope this helps someone else.

another guy from another post said this::: Look under your war campaign quests it send you to the keep. The king and Jaina are in the first room on the left. I just talked to them and they sent me to the docks to see Jaina. I’m Kul Tiran so the option was take me home. I’m back at the mission board there are now quests here.,< okay so first of all we dont seee that all so my ques he just already had the quest when he logged that guy in today just picked it up before pre patch and prolly never did it… but than to think that he says the king and jaina ( the meeting) is in the left room of stormwind keep and not the usual spot tells me they changed locations and maybe that caused the issue

well that does not work for alliance sadly also level 10 chars cant turn on or of warmode. but for hord it all works perfectly fine

Just got a Alliance Hunter to lv50 threw Legion, immediately regretting my choice as now I have no means to get to Nazjatar or Zandalar for tames and can’t farm dailies besides Borealis ones due to this bug. No war campaign quests in the log either to bail me out.

My Lightforged Draenei warrior is in the same boat, level 50 and unable to do anything in BfA.

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