Recently hit level 50 on my Void Elf. Unable to start BfA questline. Automatically received the quest “A Dying World” once I hit 50, and was able to get my Heart of Azeroth, but unable to continue in Boralus. I can see a few world quests, but that’s about it.
ye they working on it but this is not gonna be fixed this wednesday on the maintance im sure so with max lvl chars we can only play in old content now and with leveling also only old content now we might as well get used to it this wont be fixed anytime soon since they dont take it as prio that the current expansion and current endgame is unplayable
Take the portal to Boralus from the portal room in Org/SW go to the npc that gives the uniting the isles or whatever to get your flightmasters whistle and unlock wq.
yea but thats not our point mate we all get our world quests unlocked we are on about actually unlocking all the other bfa content wich requires to finish tides of war quest to unlock nazjatar and everything wich is bugged out