Can't get BfA starter quests or start War Campaign

yea posting it on the forums they said? lol us and eu are overloaded with threads about this issue lol what things they asked u to do?

How many of us will just give up before Sl even comes? lol. Trying to do this since prepatch came out, I’ve deleted 8 characters in trying. Getin’ real tired of having to walk from one end of SW and back just to check if an NPC still doesn’t appear.

well to say it as easy if u dont do exile’s reach and do the stormwind your your not getting acces to bfa now atm so it honestly feels like they removed the entire xpansion for everyone but still alowing you to only unlock wqs there rofl like a sandbox and they relpy in ticket post on the forums LUL

Well I was hoping to wake up and this be resolved :frowning: i know it’s the weekend but you’d think they’d still have some on call to fix game breaking bugs.

Im just going to level to 50 in the other xpacs for now and assume the quest giver will show up at some point or some work around will be done.

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A Game Master resolved your ticket, and left the following response:
Greetings, Thank you for contacting us in regard to an issue with a quest. We are experiencing a high volume of tickets right now and apologize for being unable to discuss the issue further with you. For quest related issues, please attempt the following for potential resolution: - Abandon and retake the quest - Reset UI and retest with no add-ons: battlenet/support/article/7549 - Check the Wowhead database and guides for more information: wowheadcom/ or classic.wowheadcom/ - Try this tool if you are looking for the next quest in your zone or story: wowheadcom/quest-completion-tracker Game Masters are not able to provide game hints, grant quest credit, or assist with in-game bugs. If you believe the issue is due to a bug, please follow the in-game steps noted below to notify our development team directly. In addition, visit our Bug Report forums to report bugs, discuss them with the community, and check the status of known issues: us.forums.blizzardcom/en/wow/c/support/bug-report for current WoW or us.forums.blizzardcom/en/wow/c/wow-classic/support-and-bug-report for WoW Classic - Click Help to open the Customer Support window - Click Submit Bug - Follow the guidelines to enter the details of the bug - Click Submit Your ticket was identified to be about the issue addressed above. If this is not the case, please respond so a Game Master can manually review it.
If you continue to experience issues, you can reopen this ticket. If you have a new or separate issue, please submit a new ticket.
Make sure you complete our survey to let us know how we did.
Blizzard Support

yea nice they telling u that but how is that gonna help with the issue u and me and tons of other players have i mean now i have to level in another expansions wich i dont mind but now im scared when it gets fixed my char will be bugged out of it and i have to make a new one again

Exact same generic response I received…


I think that’s our best option (and probably the one blizzard want us to do), which is sad. I guess we’re probably all going to be lv50 legion-campaigners, lol.

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Before SL releases I was hoping to work on those flying achievements for BFA since they only unlocked WoD & Legion flying…

Really surprised not to see any acknowledgement of this in the known issues, or even a blue here. This is a massive massive issue locking out core content of BfA…


This is sad
We can’t even play the game.
How does a huge game breaking bug like this go unseen and live?


Just wanted to chime in that I’m in the same boat on a new alt, currently level 48 Lightforged DK. I haven’t tested on Horde side yet to see if the same issue comes up.

Why the crap isn’t this hotfixed already?

its not unseen bro blizzard knows about it after al these threads and tickets they simply just dont care about 1 issue and wont fix it until they have a list of more fixes to implement a hot fix

they gonna wait til they have more fixes ready, knowing blizzard they not just gonna hotfix one issue so knowing blizzard by not acknowledging this even when the forums are overloaded with threads about this im afraid it wont be any time soon… blizzard never implement a hotfix for 1 thing to much effort for them they need do add more fixes first before they implement a new hotfix that will fix this… so my ques it not until wednesday atleast sadly. and thats way to much of the words fix i might scare them away now lol.

Seems to be an alliance only issue

yes it is i mean if they knew about this they would taken this as a priority this is not just a bug this is legit making one entire expansion unplayable

I too am having this issue with several of my alts which have been squished down to 45 from 110. I cannot start the BFA campaign at all. I am able to take the boat to Boralus but cannot interact with any of the objects, there are no portals, and no available quests. Not even the introduction quest where you meet the banker and inn keeper are available; nothing. I must say this is extremely disappointing and should’ve been QA tested before going live as it’s an extremely obvious bug.

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funny part is forums are overloaded with a ton of threads about this and somehow they did not see it? well i dont believe it they just dont care at this point they think its just simply a bug not understand they maded one entire expansion unplayable… even on 50 u can only get neckand do wqs thats it

okay so i chechked their twitter and they have Scheduled maintenance on 21/10/2020, and also Server Restarts on 21/10/2020, 03:00 so hopefully it will be fixed than wich still means we have to deal with this for 3 days