Can't Change Worgen Human Form

Reporting the same issue.

The work around worked for me as well. Arahe is the MVP.

This worked perfectly. Thank you!!

This does work! I was having a similar issue with my worgen’s human form not saving. Thank you very much!

Came here to see if others are having the same issue as me. It lets me make the changes but won’t commit them. Also are the human and worgen features tied to each other or are they supposed to be independent?

I was just about to create a topic reporting this, good thing I read it first. I’ll paste what I written:

“Hello! First let me say that I’m happy with the new looks and with the possibility of changing a Worgen character’s appearence separately! I did it as soon as entered the game yesterday and it was fine. But earlier today I decided to change just my Worgen form beard. I went to Stormwind and did it. But to my surprise, my human form appearence changed automatically (it went from a long-haired bearded look to a bald with moustache only lol). I tried to relog but it remained. I opened the barbershop UI again to change it back but it wasn’t responding. I noticed Stormwind was very full of people and laggy when it happened, so I went to Ironforge and changed it “back”. Seems fine now.”

Some people in the chat told me to use only the arrows when browsing looks, and to change the Worgen form first, exit, then change Human form.

Can you also investigate the fact that the Dk faces are messed up when using the night warrior skin tone ? they change all the faces, when before you can use all the faces with that skin color.

Same issue, not able to customize human form, and it randomized the Worgen form when trying. Once the Worgen form has been randomized, the bear, cat, flight, and land travel form are then glitched and won’t change character appearance from Worgen at all. Spent a lot of gold on this… Refunds??

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It’s the darndest thing but when the servers came back up yesterday I was able to change my worgen and human appearances separately, now trying to do it today I can’t change my human form at all . . . which means SOMETHING broke between like 5 pm yesterday and when this bug first popped up

I’m having the same issue, can change everything but my human form, just assigns me a random human form

Yep still happening. My friend said it was fixed but when I tried its still going on. /sadface Hope it gets fixed soon. My human form looks different even from what it was last night when I tried and saw the glitch. My human form just does whatever it wants at the moment.

Yep happening to me too! I was so excited to finally design the wolf form and human form individually but its not working at all. This was experienced on the 13th of October.

same here for my dk worgen, it worked perfectly fine on before the patch went life yet its not working on live

Same thing happened to me right now. Couldn’t change anything.

Jeez, can I get my gold back that I spent trying to get my Worgan to work right?
Oh, and none of the African American features will work at all.

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Yeah I’m having issues too with worgen change the worgen and save it in but it refuses to let me change the human and when I log in and log out my changes are something different.

Running into this problem right now. Hope they fix this soon, can’t change the human form.

Have changed the Worgen form and frustratingly left the human form in whatever it is until this is fixed, hopefully the Worgen form changes stay after i log out as i have dropped gold on them already.

Thank you for this, have given it a try and it works thankfully, just have to remember which options instead of the numbers.

Thank you again.

Posted this in another thread but this one has more traction it seems.

I am having the exact same issue.

If you create a brand new Worgen, you can edit the Human and Worgen Form individually without affecting one another. So you’re able to get a FULLY unique custom form of both forms.

However, if you go in and make changes to the Worgen form, move over to the human form to make changes there. Then swap back to the Worgen form to look at it before it swaps, he’s been altered (I guess to the links that they used to have when you chose hair style/colour it changed the one on the previous form back before the pre-patch.)

So, in an attempt to circumvent this … I went in and changed the Worgen, then accepted. Went back into the chair to make the changes to the Human form and it won’t do anything when you hit accept.

I wonder if the links between when you changed the hair style and what not (previously), how it would change for both forms … there might be some kind of link to those still somewhere in the background and it’s crapping out when attempting to find the link.

I’d hate to have to just create a brand new character just to achieve the look I want… lose everything I’ve worked towards on my main over the many many many years.

I am trying to make the work around go and i can. But then if i go back and make anymore changes to the Worgen form it resets my human form. It seems for whatever reason if you mess with the Worgen form after you have messed with the Human form then it resets the human form too.