When I first logged in, everything was fine, but when I went back to make a few changes to my Worgen Druid, it wouldn’t allow me to do most of the changes on my human form without completely undoing the changes I did to my Worgen form. If I go back to change my Worgen form back, it completely randomizes the human form appearance.
Can confirm. Several members of my guild are experiencing this as well. (4 of them reporting it so far.)
Can confirm this as well, logged in to my druid and I cannot change the human for independent of the worgen form, a change to one is altering the other as well.
I can also confirm. I changed my fur color only but after confirming and exiting the chair I saw it randomized the human form entirely.
Reporting the same issue. Every other form is changeable. I was even able to get worgen to stick, but human? Nawp. I got rando’d from what I originally went in as when in human form entirely!
I can also confirm having the same problem. It worked fine on my first two worgen but on my third one it kept changing whenever I clicked back and forth between the two forms.
same here i got my worgen side done but not human
Not sure how they managed it. It was just working, so I’m assuming it’s the mini fix they rolled out recently.
Also want to add- I can’t save the human form, and when trying to customize it- EVERYTHING vanishes. I just wanted to change my worgen’s fur color, and now her human form is messed up.
Still having the issue after the minipatch. Can’t change Human form at all.
If I only change Worgen, it takes.
Human won’t let you hit confirm, just reverts back
Also noticed the same issue. Doesn’t seem to be an issue when creating a new worgen, just with an existing character at the barber shop.
I can confirm this as well. I can change my worgen form, but I’m not able to change the human form appearance. It will let me select things, but when I click on the money purchase it doesn’t do anything.
Logged out to update addons and WoW downloaded an update. Now if I try to use the barber shop it doesn’t let me accept my changes. I turned off all my addons and it’s still not letting me.
Yep, happening here as well. I want my glorious mustache back!
To add some details: I was able to adjust my human form to what I want without it affecting the worgen form. However, adjusting worgen form then reset the changes of the human form.
Same here. Changing any setting on human form resets worgen form to randomness. Same when I change worgen form, my human form resets.
Thank you for your reports. Forwarding this to our team for investigation.
Changed my worgen form, paid for it… hit accept. Went back to change the human form and it wont let me press accept at all. When I close out of it, I just get a random human face applied to me.
Would like to confirm as well.
Also can confirm. Worked fine on this max level shortly after servers came up. Then tried to do it a low level alt about half an hour ago, and no go. Looks like one of the hot fixes that was pushed broke worgen unlinked customizations.
Same here, this bug is driving me crazy