Can't believe Allied Races still aren't unlocked for all

I have them all on Horde, but want to play a Mechagnome and haven’t played Alliance, so I have to dedicate 30+ hours on a new character just to play as the race I want?
This was a big selling point of BfA and still they aren’t unlocked.
I know new players that were immediately disappointed on the character creation screen.
Is it just a ploy so you might buy a Race Change for the first character you start?


They’ve already DRASTICALLY reduced the requirements to unlock allied races.

The player needs to do SOME work, no?

Not everything in life is given for free.


I don’t know that you can race change to allied races you haven’t unlocked anyway. So I certainly hope your new friends aren’t trying that method.

I think the idea behind the prerequisites and questlines for unlocking allied races was that the shiny new cool races would be motivation for players to do that content. I don’t know that that’s unreasonable, but maybe Blizzard should have known better, since a lot of the community feels like they are just owed that content.

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I can’t believe my ilvl is 233 already! I mean, I’ve already logged into the game. What more do they want from me?

Digital thoughts and mechanical prayers. May your JunkGnome dreams come true one day.


I like that you have to unlock them, but it’d be nice if a free race change was slipped onto your account at least the first time you got one.

Oh. Ahem. I think they want you to play the game, too. Not just log in and reap the rewards? Crazy, I know.

How do you not have them unlocked already at this point? Did you just flat out avoid the content entirely?

I play horde, only one I don’t have unlocked on alliance is kul’tiran because i haven’t done the alliance war campaign, they’ve removed rep requirements from the rest, for the most part it’s an achievement and a questline, just takes a little time, most of the grind is gone (most, not all)

Do you still have to kill King Mechagon to get gnomes?

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If that’s part of the achievement.

I never did the fat humans or diaper gnomes, since i think they both required dungeons and/or raids, I don’t remember for sure. Did everything else but requiring group content for an unlock means I’m just not gonna do it :woman_shrugging:t2:

what iz dis? unlockable features needz to be un-locked? Zay it izn’t so! /french accent hu-huh!

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Here’s something for you.


Right on, that’s your choice.

These are races, not cosmetics or items, and have always been free from the start in every previous expansion.

Should someone who is new to Alliance and really wants to make a Mechagnome have to dedicate days/weeks of time to play as the race they want and then what, start a new character? or just buy a race change?

Wow players are notorious for “wahh unlock it yourself” attitudes for anything they’ve already unlocked, they’ll literally defend the worst gameplay/features just because they’re used to it.


You can do everything but the final quest on your horde character. The achievements are account wide. You do need a level 50 Alliance character to complete the quest from the Embassy, but that’s true for all but the ones that opened up in Legion.

I didn’t do Suramar on any of my Horde characters, but I got the achievement needed on my Alliance main and unlocked Nightborne. Same with Highmountain Tauren. Most of the work was done on the opposite faction. The only ones I don’t have unlocked are the Zandalari Trolls.

You can’t race change to an Allied Race you haven’t unlocked.

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I think this is what Blizz hopes people will do.

I unlocked each allied race as they first came out and I still agree with you. I think once we move to the next expansion, the previous ones’ ARs should be automatic.

Earned new races now outnumbers the “free” new races. So in essence THIS is the standard way to get new races. Welcome to the new normal. Start the achievs or dont.

I’m not saying race change to one you haven’t unlocked, I’m saying you dedicate all this time to a character and feel somewhat invested in them, but their whole purpose is just to unlock the race you actually want - so do you start over or just race change the character you unlocked them on?
Knowing Activision it probably is to squeeze as much microtransation money as they can.

I do actually have a level 51 Alliance character but the quests are actually bugged for me and I’ve been talking with a GM, then made this post lol.

The process is still a hassle, especially for new comers that don’t know WoW like a veteran, and it sours the character creation process.

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