Cant beat em, join em

It’s Meso’s community.

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I thought he was SAS though? I haven’t been paying much attention lately, so if he jumped ship recently or started his own group then first time hearing it myself

Do we like Meso?

I’m unfamiliar with the villains of the premade community.

It will just be another reason people won’t bother returning when they quit for awhile. They’ll remember how lame it was fighting the premades and won’t bother. It will be just another item on the checklist of things annoying about the game.

Meso is cool. He used to run with SPM. He was Shotdasherrif in that last av last night


Yes, we’ve made up with Meso.

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Have you made up with SPM?

Nope. /10 chars.

Smh i finally upgrade my motherboard and processor after not being able to get more than 2fps in epics since bfa and the whole unrated scene goes to poo :ghost:

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They nerfed the Orc racial and everyone ran to alliance . Unnerf the orc racism and watch the train come steaming in to this side

Oca and Gwi didn’t ruin sas. Cinco already said that. You listen too much to meso’s lies and manipulation. Anyway, y’all need to make up and combine forces so we have competition. Tired of compstomping y’all’s communities.


Hmm. Someone else got stomped last night. Check with Guacamole…lol.


Violated meso’s new community the same way as y’all in wg already with us backfilling with barely 20 of us. Talk about easy mode.

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Doesn’t count. They didn’t have 39 members in that bg.


Yo ma dry. Last night was easy mode for us too. :wink: Oh they big mad all flagging anything they don’t like.


Stomped is different from comp stomped.

You weren’t there. Go ask your buddies how their games vs us went last night. Even when we don’t win we go down fighting. But we weeeerrrreeee the chaaampiooons last night.


No, we’re all still here! :slight_smile: Having a dance party.


Indeed! Dancin!