Cant beat em, join em


Oh yeah lets go


That is exactly the dance I do when I enter Alterac Valley. :joy_cat:


If you think alliance side will be any better you are wrong cuz the grass isn’t always greener on the other side fyi. Alliance has had their fair share of toxic as well. So it’s not just horde side hate to break it to you .

what do casuals even have any more for fun pvp? like dang no wonder pvp is dead

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The BG blitz mode coming next patch should help provide more balanced matchups. It has MMR and is solo/duo queue only

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Yeah you missed a lot :laughing:

You could join Field Army, always a good time and best community I’ve joined.

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How large is the community?

I heard a rumor they farm GYs and abuse the report system to kick pugs

I’ve been in two of their bg’s, I’ve had the opposite experience. Today in Ashran, wiped horde at roc, then killed boss. was over in 5 minutes.

they do ? i haven’t run very many with them but when i get them on my team. I dont see anything about them kicking ppl . I usually just see them type strats at times most the time they dont really talk as far as ive seen . so take it for what you will .

Imagine bragging about Epics battlegrounds?

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Run with FA in the AM.

Their last game of the day are usually GY Farms OR let opposite faction take the whole map except base, then push them back and win. That is the extend of “farming” I have seen so far.

Majority of the time they just do the objectives. And what may feel like a farm is just them keeping you pinned in GY while objectives cap (IoC gate, etc) then they end it.

Luckily, we have some people that drag objectives into their GY farms and end it early.

They do not abuse the vote kick. Only if someone is actively undermining their strat. When lead says don’t cap that GY and that pugs says “I’ll do what I want!” Even then, I have just seen them mark that player with an X and we simply don’t heal them the whole game. Generally only 15 to 20 of them in there. Rest is a mix of other community members.

Where you on a prot warrior the other day in an AV? I tried to come in take ya out. LOL But as you know, your healers were PUMPING, and my brain exploded in the process!

This is just toying with pugs. And then roflstomping them from one end of the map to the other.

Don’t cap the gy because their strat is farming it?


Or that player got kicked out of the game for trying to cap a gy that’s getting farmed.

Btw, it’s not a vote kick. It’s submitting false reports en masse.

I’m one of the players that runs after-hours games for Goats After Dark. Drop me a whisper around 11:30PM EST on Stormrage.

If you’re mercing or if playing on your horde, check the cross-faction box in the community finder filter, and search for BRUTE FORCE.

Most of us play toons on both sides, are members of several PvP communities, and just got tired of running AVs that involved everyone running straight to Relief Hut/Aid Station and standing on noob hill until the game ended with a win/loss… after almost 20 years, this is still the dominant strategy. :frowning:

Unfortunately, Blizzard doesn’t give community administrators the tools to effectively prune inactives, so almost every community eventually implodes under the weight of inactive players-- That’s why you’re seeing all these communities with several thousand members that are graveyards.

It would be better for the community leaders to delist them, because it disenfranchises players from finding an active community by keeping them up.

Anyway, hopefully I’ll run into you in-game!

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Field Army allows non-Mandarin speakers. Google Translate and/or Chat GPT work great as translators. They’re a fun group to run with, but I’m not usually on during their active hours.

I’ll do my best to call out strategy in chat and use pings/world markers to make the gameplay easier, so all players are included.

TBH, it’s not always very fun being on the winning side with a premade when the group doesn’t include everyone in strat calls, because everyone else is moving while you have to try to catch up, or are left behind as fodder for the enemy to slaughter. Battleground leaders could learn something from that.

No I was not.