Need help finding an Alliance pvp community. Every single match in the evening is vs premades now and you can’t win vs these. Blizzard won’t fix this crap so now I can either join a pvp community or ditch the game.
Anybody know of a decent Alliance pvp Community? I ran the search tool in game and all I get are long since dead groups with thousands of members that have no more than 2 or 3 players online throughout the day. I need a group that’s active. Thx for the help.
Epic bg’s aren’t 1v1. I’m not the problem here. Premades are the problem and that’s all I run into anymore. Read between the lines. I’m not playing just to lose all evening long to premades. That leaves us at either joining premades myself or uninstalling the game. The game has no integrity, the devs have even less, why should I?
How does the Alliance know if it’s premade syncers? On the Horde side, we just know the names of players who notoriously play in sync groups with “friends”.
I have been playing almost everyday in epics since my return to WoW because it’s what I enjoy the most in anyways. Sooner or later, you will figure there’s a super low population of players who enjoy PVP and you’re basically playing up against the same team back to back. It’s even worse when your faction is a premade/q-syncers because now you’re basically a worthless player, can stand around pretending you’re doing something, maybe AFK, but you already know it’s a win.
Alliance side:
Ruthless Renegades
Bloodthirsty Space Goats
SOD (Once 10.2 launches)
There’s also Alliance Field Army and Rangers but I’m not sure if they allow non-Mandarin speakers or not.
If you want to watch people mald on the forums you can also tag along with Ruin when/if they run premades at night.
Av maniacs I guess
Also the new Deso community I forgot the name of
Edit: there’s also the blood dk and bear druid premade to make other people mad.
That’s a grim outlook. If only about 100–120 people are regularly participating in Epic BGs, then yeah, it indicates the battlegrounds PvP scene is struggling. Lack of player engagement in such a key aspect of the game could have ripple effects on the community and even the game’s longevity.
You can look right in the mirror for that one. I know how you drag out 50+ kill ashrans at the gy
Yeah because anybody who cared about a remotely balanced pvp scene en mass left for other better pvp games either that or They at the very least only play arena because that is the only place pvp in wow is even halfway decent. Like sorry getting lock ported to a inescapable box or watching somebody dash across mid with dragonfruit while holding the flag or getting 2 shotted from stealth by a mm isn’t fun for new players
While I’m shouting ‘sorry’ through the chaos, I’d prefer a more dignified way to wrap up the match. The Trem bug really ties our hands, limiting our options. Trust me, if there were a more equitable way to end things, I’d be the first to advocate for it. Given that I’m a 90% pugger, I’m all about keeping the spirit of fair competition alive.