Cant beat em, join em

Which top players got pushed away?

I think some of these blood DKs are in a group together when they queue for bgs.

There are other things to do outside of epics. You can even do normal bgs which you have far less of a chance of running into premades in. You know que syncing is wrong and screws over other players en mass so stand your ground and don’t do it. You don’t need to just unsub although it is your decision in the end so.

Can’t you guys not farm the gy inside their base?

Idk, fight outside or something? So it’s more dignified?

It seems rather demoralizing to gy farm a team inside their own base.

Sounds about right. The druid is a lone wolf, so to speak, while the Blood DKs usually queue in a tight-knit group of up to 3 and rarely gets to 5. No grand conspiracies here, just friends enjoying some battleground action together.


That’s the thing—since we’re not a premade, coordinating a pullback from the graveyard is easier said than done. Plus, it doesn’t help when the Alliance decide to turtle up in the graveyard. It’s a two-way street, really.

Also, if you ever merc into our games, you’ll notice there’s a lack of raid warnings or calls. It’s not because we’re all on Discord secretly strategizing; it’s just that we’ve played these maps enough to know what to do. The vibe of the pug group is pretty chill, actually.

They’re not going to turtle inside their gy if you guys aren’t inside their base farming the gy.

Who are you referring to when you say “our” games?

When I say “our” games, I’m referring to matches where I team up with a mix of friends—could be the daytime crew, could be the DKs. Out of respect for their privacy, I prefer not to drop names.

Graveyard farming is extremely rare in the games I’m involved in—like a 1 in 2000 chance. The only time it happens is because of the notorious Trem glitch. Charming might suggest it’s a regular thing, but it’s more of an anomaly for that particular match.

It’s not exactly a secret they are the only ones who do it

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Yeah, I was wondering how I’d know if I was part of their games. Just look out for Dida I guess.

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What you are feeling now is what Alliance felt for years. Decades, even.


Horde side:
SAS:Savage Alliance Slayers
AVA: Alterac Valley Avengers
AVM: Alterac Valley Mongrels
DJl: Davey Jones Leavers

Alliance side:
BSG:Bloodthirsty Space Goats (the best)
RR: Ruthless Rascalz
SOD: Shadow Of Derps
Field Army


I get that there’s some confusion around the idea that the DKs and the lone druid are operating as a coordinated, synced, premade team. I can vouch for the fact that it’s not the case. We’re talking about evenly matched battles there—PUG on PUG action. There’s no planned VC coordination to worry about; it’s all in the spirit of good, old-fashioned, random PvP fun.

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I don’t blame you after 10 years Horde I am thinking of doing the Same. All you get is a Teammate telling others to F off pretty much no coordination , no helping others who just randomly joined its a mess. nothing but Toxicity , Got a Problem with my Post feel Free to Reply.

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also: redrum, golden girls, field army, oca, sod, ruin, and 2 others i forget the names of so the odds of avoiding one is next to zero.

I wonder why that could be :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: oh that’s right def not from a certain someone causing chaos in every community she’s in and thanos snapping communities as we speak . :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::thinking::thinking::thinking: surely not that at all.

It’s more common then you think tbh

GG is now RR there is no more GG

They’re not very active, but “Warsong Battalion” is another one I would add onto the Horde list here

Never heard of “AV Maniacs”, is that a new one? Haven’t seen them unless it’s a very new/very fresh group

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Most of the coms you guys linked don’t show up in the find a community tool in game. The only one that came up was Ruthless Renegades. I applied to that one.


That one is prob your safest bet rn considering all the drama going on tbh