Cannot Take Specific Class Talent

Did all of this+ reinstalling on a different folder, faction change, server transfer. Nothing worked

:heart: I appreciate the post and laying out the steps - I know folks get this time and time again when they report issues, but it’s nice to have them laid out concisely. Thank you.

bumping this one more time till we get someone to REPLYU TO US

It appears to me the issue is somehow related to saving and resolving choice nodes. I was able to temporarily build a talent tree by skipping the choice node altogether or picking “the other” choice from that node that was not bugged.

To anyone experiencing this issue, try that and see if you end up with a somewhat playable toon.

Some choice nodes are completely unpickable. For some others, one of them works.

This is not a solution, you cannot have a character where you are just not able to build certain talents. Some builds are entirely reliant on these choices + it goes against the whole new talent system.

Absolutely agreed. I want my talent tree to work fully and I want to be able to pick the nodes I want. What I am saying is that this is something anyone can try to be able to temporary pick some talents and have a saved a talent tree.

To Drannì’s point, I’ve gotten my talents to a moderately workable state (sub-optimally) and am not afraid of making any alterations to my tree for fear of it getting worse or completely “unsaveable”. So yes, I can still play.

And to Tawariel’s point - taking talents because the tree is broken or being fearful to make changes goes entirely against the point of the talent tree system.

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blizzard messed up,whatever we do we cant fix it because it’s not on our end we have to wait for fix

And I’m sure everyone believes their issues with the pre-patch are game breaking. And everyone thinks their issue is the most important.

I’m certain all 5 of those players reporting “the Void Storage NPC could not be interacted with if the UI was close [sic] with the ‘Esc’ key” also thought their bug broke the game for them. :wink:

yea lack of priorities. hell i have skill that are selected but im not even getting the perks!!! massacre for example… doesn’t even lower my cd to 1.5 sec. crap, who knows wgat eveb more is bugged.

By the way, buggy strings are also importable in beta (getting 2/1 of some nodes). Potentially, bugs with unable to learn can happen even right now in beta.

This is not just a bug but potentially a security risk if character files can be corrupted.
It potentially is a huge deal and may require great involvement to be fixed. This could explain why they haven’t acknowledged it yet. They are looking for a fix, and it is not easy.

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If that is the case they shouldn’t of released anything this early or at least respond back giving us something so we can at least play our characters. Even a restore to earlier in the week. I can’t pick any talents in BM at the moment.

Bumping for them so see this crap

YOOOOOOO, i dont know wtf just happened… i came into my class hall… and the node i was locked out of worked NOW. i swapped to fury and had the talent apply pop up out of nowhere i swaped to a diff talent saved loadout clicked reckless and apply and it worked. and i did and reckless worked. go to your talent hall and see if it fixed for u

Okay what the heck. This has seriously worked. Went to my class hall and was able to spec into Recompense for the first time a week. What is this madness?


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My DH guildie who is experiencing the problem tried this and it did not fix the issue for him. It did work for me, however. Now I would like to get my action bars and macros back :slight_smile:

didnt work for me ;(

did you logout or anything

Nope, just went to class hall and that was it