Cannot Take Specific Class Talent

so check some other talents to guys… like on fury where my nodes are messed up… i jsut noticed that my massacre’s skill… even though it get selected, i have a 3 second CD. not even the 1.5s cd is working. so even if a skill might be “working” u may not be getting the benefits from the talent tree… this is horrible… i only play once character and only play fury. dam they need to acknowledge and fix this crap

this prepatch was not ready to ship i’m also playing only warrior and arms

Cannot learn recompense as ret. Sanctified Wrath used to glitch out as well, but works fine (?) for now. Whenever I log in, I get a notification that “my talents have been reset”, and my talent tree is half-populated. More guildies are starting to experience this problem.

Made a ticket a week ago and today got a response from a GM that generally amounts to “works fine here”.

wow are u serious!?!?!?!?!

On top of that, all my action bars have been completely wiped, and all my account-wide macros have been deleted.

that’s nothing new for my my action bars are wiped every 2-3 hours if i dont log in that long and i have to redo everthing

bro they had a similar issue in beta. HOW IS THIS A THING, i wouldent mind if we got a freaking responce from SOMEONE. this is the top post on bugs and this isnt being replied to

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They probably have no idea how to fix it. They should of never released this into live. What a hot mess.

I am having the same problem. It started five days ago and I have been unable to take Lightning Rod in the Elemental tree since then - when I press apply changes, an error message just says “unable to learn talent”. Other talents seem to be intermittent - most of the time it does not let me take Mountains Will Fall, but occasionally it does. Resetting my interface and disabling all addons has not fixed the problem. Trying to import the talent loadout that I want does not fix it. Reverting to the “Starter Build” sometimes assigns most of my talent points, sometimes assigns about half of them, and sometimes assigns two of them. Changing zones and relogging sometimes resets my talents to varying degrees.

“Made a ticket a week ago and today got a response from a GM that generally amounts to “works fine here”.”

In my ticket I have given so much details to help them assist me. But this is the response I fear

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Unfortunately, another round of hotfixes and no mention/solution to this.

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But they did fix Void Storage - thank the Earth Mother! They really have their finger on the beating pulse of player problems and bumped that ol’ widespread Void Storage issue to the top of the “critical” list! Nailed it!

Bump! Issue still not fixed going on over a week and more and more people are starting to have it happen to them.

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Bumping again until we freaking get some sort of acknowledgment

Start spamming Twitter guys

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I posted on Twitter as well.

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7 am, they should be getting to the office. now everyone here we need to non stop pester here and push twitter hard. if not this crap will NOT get fixed

So here is the hard reset:

  1. Close your game - (exit wow completely)

  2. Close your client.

  3. Go to taskmanager (windows pc) and kill update agent.

  4. Restart as Administrator

  5. Left click on the gear next to play and hit Scan and Repair.

  6. Let it do its thing.

  7. Go into the game see if anything changed.

  8. If things did not get fixed then comes the fun part.

  9. Exit the game completely, same with and the update agent using the instructions above.

  10. Go to your wow/retail folder.

  11. Rename interface to interface-todays date
    (ex: interface-11042022)

  12. Rename cache to cache-today’s date
    (ex: cache-11042022)

  13. Rename WTF to WTF-today’s date
    (ex: WTF-11042022)

  14. Start up.

  15. Once again go to the Gear and hit Scan and Repair, this ensures that nothing was corrupted by your changes.

  16. Once its over start the game proper.

  17. Check your character if you can now edit and save talents you are set.

  18. If you are having the same issue try typing this out and hit enter:
    (You will receive an error, however just close it. )
    /console cvar_default

  19. Restart the game without making any more changes.

  20. Try to make your talent changes again once you start.

At this point if none of that worked well you know for a fact that its something to do with that character being corrupted in some way rather than setting.

You should at this point back out the changes we made just exit the game delete the “interface”, “wtf” folders that were made and rename your old folders back to interface and wtf. You don’t have to worry about cache.

I can confirm I have done all of these things multiple times. I also posted to Wowhead where they are asking people for opinions on the newly designed system. Maybe they should get a hold of one of us experiencing issues. Only a matter of time before others do to.

have done all that. from fac tion chgane to reinstalling wow after doing cvar reset. everything its at a character level