My hunter is currently being prevented from taking some talents on my base, class talent tree. I can no longer apply the “Starter Build” for my spec. I get an error “Unable to learn talent.” Also, each time I load my character, I’m prompted that I have unsaved talent points and need to re-apply them.
The talent I cannot currently use is Intimidation. It is paired with High Explosive Trap. I can take the trap talent and save it, but Intimidation will not save.
Steps I have tried so far:
- Full UI reset deleting all addons, renaming the WTF, Interface and Cache folders. I still could not take this talent with zero addons.
- Logged into my other Hunter char and was able to change to and from Intimidation without issue.
- Exported my main char’s talents and shared with other hunters in my guild and they have no issues taking the Intimidation talent.
- I haven’t found anything on these forums or on Discord groups.
I can’t pinpoint what is unique about my one char that is preventing taking this one talent.
This same thing is happening to my paladin, only in the ret tree. And it’s like you said it seems to be only on the one character. I’ve gone to my other paladins and used the same ret spec and they work without any issue.
The only thing I remember happening that was odd was, the moment servers were up, I had a set of talents I’d copied from a site that failed to load because that site had an outdated talent calculator. I got an on-screen error message to that effect.
Now any attempt to import or manually choose my talents appear to get hung up on that one Intimidation talent.
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I have the same issue with my priest. Only happens with the shadow tree and it’s only the talents where you can choose between two. Been unable to change those talents since Tuesday after maintenance.
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I also have this same bug in my elemental shaman. I feel like the problem started when i started importing raider io and wowhead talents.
and now that i tried to change so much, I lost all the skills of the elemental spec.
Anyone find a fix. Same smissuenon my fury warrior. I can’t learn reckless abandon
I replied to two of the other posts. Lets try to make this noticed by devs. Similar situation: imported a raider io link, since then my character is messed up. Sometimes I can no longer learn any builds. If I logout that fixes. However I can never pick a specific talent in a choice node.
Now my talents are completely screwed and I can’t save any combination of talents on my tree. If I reset, 2 points are automatically put back into Kill Command in the talent tree interface (which should be a default, baseline ability for Hunters).
And trying to apply the “Starter Build” is completely useless.
Having the same issue with my Shadow Priest 
Yes, it is very frustrating. I am very concerned unless the devs become aware of it, our characters will not be usable anymore.
Bliz, please look at our problem, we have our spec unable to play, this is frustrating.
My current build has stabilized, but I’m still unable to take the talents I want or play my character the way I want.
My expectation is that Blizz build in some protection from importing character/class-breaking talent builds from outdated sources. The implication is that any future tuning or rework of class talents will continue to break gameplay if websites offering calculators don’t keep pace with talent tweaks.
Additionally, clicking the “reset talents” button should actually wipe away and start a character’s talent tree from zero - and not seemingly hold onto invisible and invalid point selections that cannot be erased.
Can you choose between the buggy choice nodes?
I was able to spec by avoiding Void Eruption/Dark Ascension. As long as I avoid that talent it let’s me complete my tree.
It started when I was trying to save different builds and was noticing that it was flipping Void Eruption back to Dark Ascension. That’s when it all started going down hill.
Deleted my save builds, tried to go back to the starter build etc. Something with that talent messed up the whole thing.
So your character cannot use one of your major CD?
Yep! However this morning when I logged back in, the game reset me to the starter build which gives me Dark Ascension. Yet when I went to change it to Void Eruption I got stuck in the “Unable to Learn Talent” error loop and basically had to respec back to the build I was using to avoid that talent again lol
Somehow some talents are stuck with being “learned already”
Same with me but it’s only when i try to take Piercing Fangs as BM. Havent noticed it with another spec or toon yet.
So far my theory is that somehow more points than possible can be put by an outdated string in the following way:
-Talent a spec knows can be put a talent resulting into 2/1
-Choice nodes can both be selected. I remember seeing having 2 points in a choice node which was weird. Then I unclicked and the choice node changed to the other option. After that this choice node was no longer selectable.
same problem, but reckless abandon for me. i opened tickets and ever paid for a damn faction change hoping it would " reset" my character… NOPE fail. no a damn reply from blizzrd in 5 days