Cannot start twilight highlands quest chain

so im trying to start the quest chain and i’ve looked both in the north section of orgrimaar and in the throne room and neither eltrigg nor the goblin engineer give the starting quest for horde. the command board doesn’t have the quest for it on it either.

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If it’s for the character you’re posting on? Chromie time ends at 50 and you have to go forward with the Shadowlands content.

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i am not in chromie time. i never was. i do have the shadowlands starting quest but havent done it. i tried abandoning it and picking it up that way but it just keeps regiving me the quest.

Hm. Then the only other thing I can think of is if you have some other quest in your log that may have the phasing mucked up a bit. Perhaps start up the Shadowland’s questline (I would do it to the point that you’re in Oribos, personally?), and then come back to see if that helped to unphase Eitrigg?

Otherwise perhaps one of our SFAs will take a peek here and suggest otherwise what quest may or may not be the issue.

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Checking Wowhead is a good place to start. It can tell you what quests you’ve completed and which ones you haven’t - if you use their character profiler tool.

You can also find helpful comments for specific quests such as this comment:


i checked for foreman glibbs and he didnt give the machines of war quest in fact there was no quest at all. also how long roughly does it take to do the questline up to oribos? if it takes longer than a couple hours ill have to wait till tomorrow to try that cause i have work today in the afternoon.

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The comment I linked to is not about completing the Shadowlands introduction. It’s about completing some Battle for Azeroth quests to help with phasing in Orgrimmar. Read through the comment and follow the steps that player took. Hopefully it’ll help you with this.


ok thanks i will try that. also the other question was more directed at the op instead of you. sorry if i wasn’t clear.ok thanks for the help everyone i tried it and it worked eltrigg now shows the quests to start the twilight highlands quest chain!


I recently had the issue that 2 level 50 characters needed to go to Vashj’ir and couldn’t get the quest to open the zone. The portal does not work unless you have done the opening questline. I ended up having to get them summoned to the dungeon, which was not trivial.

I’d report the Vashjir issue in the bug report forum. Sounds like it might be due to an oversight.

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This worked for me. I picked up the first BFA quest, met my team, drank the potion, then skipped the Skyhorn Eagle quest…went back into the main building and the Twilight Highlands starter quest was available. Thank you!


This thread is over a year old. Instead of committing necromancy please start your own thread. We can then get you pointed in the correct direction to fix the issue.

I believe that was confirmation that the advice was good. It’s a year old, but that the information still holds up isn’t a bad testimony. :slight_smile:


I am at the end of Shadowlands content… I can’t NOT get the Twilight Highlands quests to pop up. The quest log says I have completed “Goblin Work Ethic” but I can’t find the quest giver who started the next part. There is no breadcrumb on the map and everything is phased out that I can see. Help?

The next quest is “Twilight Skies”. You need to find Friz Groundspin at the Southern Rocketway Terminus in Azshara.

I would also recommend turning on Trivial Quests, if you haven’t already.


In Azshara? As in on the opposite continent? LOL Thank you for the guidance. I will check it out. Good grief, Blizzard could have marked that.

Unless I’m thinking of the wrong quest, Goblin Work Ethic is at the goblin city in Azshara, so it’s not super strange. This questline takes you on a goblin airship to Twilight Highlands in the next couple quests.


Says I need “Returning to the Highlands” I’m not finding the guy in Azshara either :frowning:

Ok, that means you’re a little further along, and actually unlocked the portal. You pick up that quest in Grommash Hold (I believe), and it will direct you to take the portal back to the Twilight Highlands, where you should be able to continue in the zone’s storyline.


Eltrigg the orc in Grommash Hold doesn’t have a quest for me :frowning: