Cannot start twilight highlands quest chain

Is the character you’re posting on the one you’re trying to progress with?

No, this one is. DH.

This is the first quest in the line that that character has not completed, as Melaesia linked earlier. It’s about 12 steps in.

Comments just say to sit at the zeppelin for roughly 7-10 minutes.


thank you. the waiting time allocated helped so much!


Please be mindful of the dates this thread is 2yrs old better to start a new thread. If i had to guess probal legion related turn off low lvl tracking and check dranosh blockade.

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Just as a by the by - you may want to self-report your name before someone else’s reports catch up with you. It’s not particularly appropriate, no matter how long you may have had it. Self-reporting is far better than a report catching up with you, as you’re admitting to a fault and trying to make it right with a forced name change. It’s especially important if you’ve had run-ins previously, as account actions do stack and do not fall off.

As for the issue itself, you may have also been able to pick up the intro quest from Fargo Flintlocke at the docks. What happened was likely just phasing from one of those quests you had picked up. They’re neither necessary per se, to get the quest line, as those expansions came after Cataclysm. They have no particular tie in with Cataclysm quests as the Heart of Azeroth things were Battle for Azeroth.


It looks like a moderator found your character name to be problematic, so the posts had to be removed but I still wanted to make sure we could get you back on track.

You mentioned you are up to speaking with Eitrigg, for which quest?

It does look like you started the intro to Mists of Pandaria and abandoned it. You might try picking that up and completing it as well as the follow up “Into the Mists”.

I’ve reopened this thread, but please use a more appropriately named character if you need to reply. :slight_smile: