Cannot complete Night Fae Campaign after rejoining

I put in an in game ticket already (US80252120) and here is most of the info I’ve put in the ticket before and after the automated response, currently awaiting for a GM response.

I cannot currently continue the Night Fae campaign. I had been previously been working on it and was on the Taking Inventory quest, however I swapped covenants, and upon returning to Night Fae I cannot find out how to continue the quest. I have a buff Mask of Bwonsamdi (324322) and the Mask of Bwonsamdi follows me and gives me an option to Travel to De Other Side, but this does nothing, I also do not have the Deathstone item in my inventory to travel to De Other Side from the On De Other Side quest.
As a side note, I have tried relogging with and without addons on as well, left the zone totally and come back as well.
I have tried to rezone several times (through flying in and out, hearthstone, as well as many other methods) and none of that helps.
There is no quest for me to abandon, it is not in my quest log and there is no way or place for me to pick it up, I have completed the quest On De Other Side (59809) but not Taking Inventory (59811), which is not in my quest log and there is no where for me to resume it. I checked the completion using:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(59809))
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(59811))

The mask of Bwonsomdi that follows me around in Ardenweald has an option when I talk to him to teleport me to De Other Side, but selecting it does not work.
I have searched every community source and forum and have not found anyone with this problem or solution yet.
I have fully reset my interface twice (deleted WTF, Cache, and Interface folders, also run the Scan and Repair tool through the launcher) to try to resolve the issue and that has not helped.
This is what my map and quest log show when trying to continue my Night Fae Campaign, it does not tell or lead me where to go

This is what I see when I run the two scripts above in the listed order

This is the buff I currently have

This is the prompt that I get when talking to the mask, which does nothing after clicking it, even if I leave the zone and reenter (through hearthstone, flying, engineering toy, or guild stormwind portal cloaks)


Having the exact same issue. Exact same. Zero help from the internets so far.

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I also cannot find a way to get the Taking Inventor Quest back in to my log. I am trying to run a DoS to see if Bwonsamdi will have the quest available at the end
Edit : did not work

Submitted US80290096.

Hope its something they can actually fix.

He didnt have it when I did that. Wondering if OP got an answer yet for in game ticket.

To follow up, yes I finally got a GM’s help in game and they were able to resolve it and get me the quest again. He said he gathered data to send to QA so hopefully anyone else with this issue can get a fix as well. If you have this issue, just submit a ticket in game and be patient (with the patch and numerous current bugs their wait time is just over a day per response, I got an automated response first then had to reopen for another response).

Edit: I’m OP btw, just couldn’t figure out how to change which character I posted from originally after submitting.

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I am having the same exact issue but the GMS are unable to fix it for my toon.

Same issue with me. really dissapointing

Same issue with me and so far no solution .

i have the same problem how i can contact the GMs?

i have the same problem too so how i can contact the GMs?..

Now I’m stuck on this and renown wont update and of course cannot finish new campaign. Please do look into this issue and fix it!!!

If you can find someone who has the quest or is right before the quest they can party sync with you to get the quest back. I would recommend doing a few quests after. Once you leave party sync you should retain the campaign quest you’re on since you never did it.

Tested with friend and worked perfect

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Having the exact issue. I was able however to finish the “Taking Inventory” by running that dungeon and killing those four in the dungeon, and then I turned in the quest “taking Inventory” then took the next quest - “following the trail” now I can’t get the mask I need to wear to see the foot prints on the trail. I have nothing in my bags, I have disabled all add-on’s rebooted, did all that crap, but nothing. Wow, can’t you fix bugs like this especially if people are needing this questline to be able to move forward in the covenant questline. TY…

Still broken, I left without picking up the quest, wanted to come back later, now the mask is following me and when I ask it to teleport me, nothing happens, Blizz please fix this broken quest or allow us to right click the mask buff icon off and get rid of it until you finally fix this.

How can you not have this fixed after this long. It is truly sad that a bug like this can exist for this long especially since it’s part of a players progression, can’t do the quest, can’t do the campaign, means you can’t get the Renown from those quests or get the other soulbinds.

Update, woke up this morning to an automated response that didn’t help at all, this is getting down right ridiculous, none of the suggestions in that automated response helped since those were the first things I tried or did. Blizz fix this bug and please provide better customer service for long standing bugs.

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