Night Fae "Da Boss" not working

REF: Cannot complete Night Fae Campaign after rejoining

Getting the same issue as the post above. Unable to continue my Night Fae covenant campaign because this quest bugged out. Cant teleport back to ToS to speak to bwansamdi because the mask doesnt work.

Specifically, the “Taking Inventory” quest I cannot get back.


Contact Support - It has been almost 36 hours since I got the automatic response suggesting I use wowhead to look for answers. Hoping they fix it for me soon.

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Any news regarding this Quest line? I recently went back to NF but the quest line Da boss is not working there is just the Bwansamdi mask following me around, but when I interact with it nothing happened. The deathstone is missing to port to Tos.


Im having the same issue

Anyone on this quest , Looking for someone to sync with so i can tame the snakes he summons. This is the only way to get them.

for me its still not working, wich keeps my game nor moving forward…cant get more renown, cant make more quest on korthia, cant do korthia campaign. I know people at blizzard have a lot of work but please…it’s almost a week since I stay in the place like the other players with the same problem, and we cant play normally like we used to.

I’m stuck on this too, I guess you can’t contact anyone ingame anymore for help because i’ve been going through menus and just getting frustrated. Can’t continue covenant campaign since I can’t do this quest. I can’t pick the quest back up, can’t get back into the I presume phased instance.

How am I supposed to get help fixing this quest ingame?

i having the same issue

I am having this same issue. I got stuck and couldn’t move when first teleporting into De Other Side dungeon when I first got it. So I went back to ardenweald ad tried to teleport back to the dungeon but it wouldn’t let me. Bwonsambi’s mask is still following me around but won’t allow me to go anywhere. Blizzard is useless. I’ve seen so many people with this same issue and it still hasn’t been resolved.

Also Stuck here Day 3 of waiting for blizzard response after being told to go to wowhead.

I have the same issue when I go to click the mask to teleport me to Da Other Side nothing happens I sent in a ticket to see if the could just reset the death stone or have the mask just teleport you there instead but I get an automate response to tell me to be patient with them when I’ve already been stuck on this for a week my progression has halted and i just want to complete my campaign

Bug still not fixed…
I can’t get more renown and stuck in my progress.

Having the exact same issue, got the same crap automated response to check Wowhead. Obviously doesn’t work.

I’m stuck on this quest too. I have the mask following me, but know deathstone and the mask won’t port me. been stuk like this for a long while.


If you party sync with someone who is right before the quest chain they can party sync with you and it should fix the issue. It worked for me

Same issue here. Mask follows me around, I do not have the stone in inventory, and I am just stuck in my progression now…

Does anyone have an update? I’m stuck with the same issue.