Cannot complete "I Pitied the fool" love is in the air achievement

To any players experiencing this issue: Please make sure you submit an in-game Bug Report as well. More reports of the same issue is one of the only things we can really do to get some eyes on this more quickly. Maybe Tweet @BlizzardCS as well if you’re active there.

“I Pitied the Fool” is part of the Holiday Meta Achievement and cannot currently be reliably completed due to being unable to place the required item inside of the instance - this means people working on the meta are going to have to wait until next year if this is not fixed before the event ends.

Any ideas for potential workarounds or word of an upcoming fix?

You do have to be inside the instance, Blizzard specifically changed it so you can’t do it in the entryway outside the raid awhile back.

Some additional information:

  1. The error message when trying to place the Love Fool inside Naxx is “This can only be placed outdoors” or whatever the exact text is.

  2. I actually tried breaking out of the boundaries of Naxx to see if it would be considered “outdoors” when you’re not inside the structure, but are still inside the instance. The answer is yes! It’s outdoors!

But the error just switches from “This can only be placed outdoors” to “You can’t use this in a raid instance”.

So the issue is twofold:

  • Naxx under normal conditions is 100% indoors
  • Naxx is a raid instance and being in the raid instance is a requirement for the achievement

Both of these conditions prevent the Love Fool, Sturdy or Consumable, from being used.

No variation of Raid Size / Difficulty, Raid Group or Non Raid Group, Solo or with Friends has made a difference, nor has entering the raid from the Plaguelands Teleport from the Quest Chain. Additionally, the Quest Chain itself doesn’t seem to make a difference, my friend who has completed it has the same issue, I have the issue with a partially-completed questline, and my alt account has the issue having never touched the questline. Trying other characters has also not resulted in any change - I have tried both Factions at varying levels just in case.

Blizzard - If this can’t be fixed before the event is over, then the solution needs to be removing this achievement from the Meta until next year (or the next Love is in the Air in which it has been fixed, if it’s not next year).

The Achievement itself is frustrating, but the biggest issue is that it’s preventing people from completing a year-long Meta Achievement with tangible rewards. Missing this achievement means waiting an entire year due to a Blizzard issue, and that’s unacceptable.

2/9 Update:

This is now officially on their Radar.

I would recommend continuing to post (if you haven’t already) and continuing to submit bug reports (if you haven’t already) for the purpose of providing sheer numbers and data (it needs to be clear it’s not a rare occurrence) - at least until they either fix it or make an actual post about it.


According to the Wowhead comments, you’ll need to be in a raid group. It doesn’t need to be full raid. Just you and one other person would work. Make sure you convert the party to a raid first, and then it should work.

Naxxramas- You need to be in a raid group (can consist of only two people) and enter. For those that hasn’t you need to go up under the flying building and into it.


Tried both in and out of a raid group, solo and with 2-3 people.
Also tried entering via the Plaguelands port from the quest or whatever, no different.


From looking at newer comments on Wowhead, it appears others are experiencing the same issue.

My recommendation would be to look through the Bug Report forum to see if someone else posted the bug so the QA team could take a look. If not, you can move this thread by clicking on the pencil icon at the top of the page next to the title.


Same problem here. No fool version works inside, and outside they aren’t giving achievement progress. Tried in the entrance, each quarter, and both upstairs rooms.


Likewise, I can’t finish my achiv for the Long strange trip. :frowning: Big sadge please fix


I completed this achiev from scratch this year. You can’t use the toy version inside Naxx, at least not solo. Buy the consumable version for 10 tokens (iirc). I ran into the same issue in Arathi Basin but using the consumable version for each worked just fine

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Using the 10 token love fool wont let you drop it inside


I’m telling you that is exactly how I got this achievment two days ago lol. The toy didn’t work in Naxx, the consumable did.

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yes, 2 days ago it may have worked. As of right now it is not working


This is the opposite of my problem DX lol tho I dont have the toy

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trying it Rn - does not work in Naxx

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Also, I do not even have the toy and all other places it worked


damn, then that sure does seem like a new and real problem :frowning: sorry to hear that

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For sure! Happy to hear it worked for you though~

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Some additional information:

1: The error message when trying to place the Love Fool inside Naxx is the “You can only use this outdoors” or whatever the exact text is.

2: I actually tried breaking out of the boundaries of Naxx to see if it would be considered “outdoors” when you’re not inside the structure but still inside the instance. The answer is yes! It’s outdoors!

But the error just switches to “you cannot use this in a raid instance”

So the issue is twofold:

Naxx under normal conditions is 100% indoors
Naxx is a raid instance and being in the raid instance is a requirement for the achievement

Both of these conditions prevent the Love Fool, Sturdy or Consumable, from being used.


Brrrrro this sucks DX lmao ty for the info - so much!!!


I am also having an issue with it saying I can only use it outdoors… Hopefully they fix this BEFORE the end of the event considering it’s required for the meta. Tho knowing blizzard they will ignore it.


this was the error I resolved using the consumable, I didn’t encounter the outdoors error. Could be two issues simultaneously?


To be clear I had both the toy and the consumable item with me, trying both every time I was testing another possible condition.

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