Canceled Sub to Protest Warlock Nonsense

I would have thought a multibillion dollar company could create some logical story and not require the players to fill in the gaps. This is a game quality issue at the heart of the matter.

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this post means nothing

this always means nothing

and it always will, mean nothing

we all know you’ll be back because no forum ultimatum means anything, you’ll resub in a month or 2 and act like nothing ever happened. People really need to stop making these cringe posts. They expect people to unsub all the time, you’ve done nothing to them

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It’s the same reason undead holy priests are possible. Gameplay wins. This thread is ripe with ideas of how to implement an individual something like this in your RP world, but honestly at the end of the day, gameplay trumps everything.

Just echoing what everyone else is saying, but this is dumb hill to die on.

Sorry. Busy with Ark atm. And having played Horizon prior isnt exactly helpful either. Currently im in mecha dino mode.

You see it as a gap, I see it as an opportunity to craft my own story in a game that already leads me by the nose.

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LOL. A mage says they have canceled their sub because players who want to roll warlocks have more options. Okay.

Have you not been paying attention to the dumpster fire of a story this game has? You expected logical story from the people who made Shadowlands? lmao

Ok bye
/10 char

He never cancelled it.


I did cancel it. Why is there doubt?

Said the nightborne elf in the Horde.

Shadowlands wasn’t all that bad. Only a dumpster fire, but not that bad. Could’ve been WoD with everything being abandoned.

Oh I don’t doubt. I just don’t care.

Players like yourself don’t add anything to the game, nobody is waiting for you to log on, when people think of their favourite WoW memories you’re not in them.

If people playing what they want is that triggering to your neckbeard sensibilities and you can’t see that individual player characters have little to no impact on WoW’s lore as a whole, then I sincerely hope you did unsubscribe and hope it stays that way. You can take your magic the gathering cards or whatever, and scurry into a dark corner where you belong…


Hanging out in Cleft of Shadows rings a bell

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Helping to weed out the weak.


You were already unsubbing (if you actually did) if something that has 0 impact on your gameplay made you unsub.


That’s what I said. The orc won’t turn green the first day they use fel. It’s a gradual process. First your eye color turns either green or red, as the exposure continues then your skin turns a different color. First in splotches and it just spreads until your skin is fully turned. Then the skin color turns red. Finally you start growing spikes and horns and your skin cracks with fel energy.

It has impact on my gameplay……

WAIT….BEFORE U GO….can I have all ur stuff?? Lol