Canceled Sub to Protest Warlock Nonsense

This is stupid, did you quit when goblins became shaman, because they have no affiliation with nature, and are a complete opposite of what shamanism entails? More than likely not.

So in essence you are a hypocrite, also bai


So one-dimensional. Consider that limiting reasons can exist beyond physical - intellectual/spiritual/emotional/cultural/historical

same with dwarven shamans and blood elf paladins from tbc

Looks like a mass exodus is required to do what should had been a no-brainer on keeping the class restrictions.

At this point i will champion the idea of class restricted servers till my sub runs out.

Haven’t you been waiting for your sub to run out for like the last two years at this point?


Lightforged Draenai - Chosen to use demons and use them against their will for good to fight for the light, and atone for what they’ve done
Mag’har Orc - Chose to become Warlocks because of their effectiveness against the light, in case Yrel finds them again one day

Really ain’t that difficult to come up with some headcanon, chief.


Does that process take over twenty years to even start to show up?

Because that seems to be the case. That, or, just using fel energy in spellcasting doesn’t change the caster unless they also consume it and are steeped in external and internal exposure.

No actually. I did let it run out before the paladin talent remake like i said i would because of how bad ret was.

I returned because they fixed sone of the issues. And then i found this lore dumpster fire.

They should be renamed hypocrit dreanei.

Then they will be regular orcs, because mag’har stands for uncurrupted.

Unsure on the exact time but it does take years to fully turn green and beyond. Even using fel as a warlock would take time. It’s only when you are fully infused that you would turn green almost immediately.

Some of the races I am fine with and others not so much. I can understand the response lorewise but what do you really expect from a regime that is just destroying the faction divide in a game that is based on it?

It’s not surprising what they’re doing. They’re making many things meaningless to mask failures and to save their jobs.

I’m all for more warlock race options, but Mag’har & Lightforged need taken out.

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If PCs are strong enough to topple god-like entities, I think they can find a way to manage to be classes that may not make sense as certain races.

For all the lore you people keep bringing up, you sure ignore a lot of stuff right under your nose. PCs are exceptional.

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Waiting for WoW news to say “Players allegedly unsub en masse because a class was unlocked to all races.”
You people are jokes.


Yes… it indeed does work both ways …

Excuse you my gunbreaker’s tankini is very cute :frowning:


your life must be pretty dang good if this is all you have to whine about

Exactly… I don’t understand how these people are so upset about the playerbase getting way more interesting RP options.

I just said this in another topic:

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This is the technique that lost us sharing Netflix accounts in the US.

They tested it out in other countries, like Canada, and found that people canceled their subscriptions in protest, but then pretty quickly re-subscribed, and that they actually ended up with more accounts in the end. So now they’re going to bring it to the US too, where they assume the same thing will happen.

In this instance, the warlock change is already happening. Reversing it is essentially not possible after all the announcements and articles. You can protest further class expansions, but to do that you’ll have to stay unsubbed.

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So you’re not coming back until Paladin and Shaman are faction restricted?

be carful you might give him a shock lol