Canceled Sub to Protest Warlock Nonsense

All of that is extremely old lore, and of course it comes from wow wiki, which is really dated.

It is relevant really only to classic players, because they would still be using that lore.


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I haven’t unsubscribed yet
but I have uninstalled the game why
I am waiting for them to finish the game in it’s entirety
I’m tired of playing world of patch craft feels like I’m playing an ongoing ptr / beta version of the game not fun
 there’s no reason to play this mess right now
I will check back in October
and see if everything is ready love the upgrade system tho
but there going so fast and changing everything at breakneck speed
it’s just too much
too fast

The answer is no, they do not.

The people against expanding the ranks of Warlocks are totally ignorant of the lore and they do not care about the lore - they just want to play as Gate Keepers with their head canon.

Blizzard disagrees, and says all races can be Warlocks. Deal with it, wannabe Dungeon Masters.


'Member when warlocks had to hang out in crypts and sewers with stinky rogues for most of WoW’s history? OH! I 'member!

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Yea, be always skeptical of demon blood on first date.

Just look at what happened on Draenor.


Do you want Decepticons? Because that’s how you get Decepticons.


This is one weird hill to die on folks.




Eh, I’ve seen weirder. Though this is certainly in contention.


Well that’s you then.

The only thing that’s going to get me not to play is a total shut down of the game.

A race class combination opening isn’t going to do that.


I cannot wait for one of those! Or two
 or three!

(vibrates with excitement at the idea of a transformer mechagnome druid!)


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Sometimes, people’s behavior and and their race have nothing to do with each other. Actually scratch that caveat. That’s always the case.

You can’t just put all the people of one race into a bucket and say “they all behave this way and these beliefs”. Maybe that light forged Dranei had their faith broken. Maybe they turned to dark power for a good reason.

Maybe the orc was weak, low in orc society and jumped at the chance to get any kind of power. You never know why people do the things they do. But what you can be sure of is that their race has no bearing on their values or deeply held beliefs.



Exactly, peeps don’t seem to understand a character that’s a rubber-stamp copy of their origin culture is hella boring. Good characters are made from considering their cultural origins and deciding how much to retain and how much to abandon.

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It isn’t just the cultural part. The current lore (which hasn’t been altered yet) would involve having Draenei devolve and Mag’har Orcs turn green after being exposed to fel. If they want to tear apart the lore at least own up to it and retcon these things or find a way for it to logically work.

Is it too much to ask for some creative writing?

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That kind of falls on the players themselves to come up with. It can be ‘I’m just that good’ or ‘I found/made this talisman/artifact/thingy that protects me from those effects’ or ‘It actually takes a bit for those effects to set in’ or even ‘I practice mantras and meditation to stave off the worst effects.’

Pick one of those or make up something else beyond that!

Player characters are exceptions; they shouldn’t need to abide by lore.

An entire race/culture isn’t going to shift because some individuals chose to take a different path.

At best those individuals simply become outcasts.