We exist within the universe, and that universe has cultural norms that the races follow. Even if ‘we’ as players were all special unique ice sculptures, that, lore wise, would not stop the leaders of the various races we belong to hunting us down and wanting to kill us.
Grand Lector Enaara for example? She’s extremely zealous when it comes to the Light. She wouldn’t tolerate a single Lightforged Draenei going warlock and not only would she kill anyone who tried, but she’d make sure that any of their dark knowledge died with them.
Tyrande, Maiev and Shandris would absolutely go out of their way to kill any Night Elf warlock who tried to intergrate within Night Elf society.
Velen? He’s got no tolerance for demons, not after what they did to his son, so he’s not going to tolerate any demon worshipper among the Draenei ranks.
And Geya’rah wouldn’t tolerate a single use of fel magic among the Mag’har, you’d get slaughtered and left for the wild animals to eat.
Lore wise, it does not match up, not at all, and you might be honestly fine with completely disregarding the lore for the sake of your own convenience. I’m not, and I’ll absolutely keep fighting until patch 10.1.5 releases.
Let me know when that happens to a player character.
And I’ll let you know when that happens to the LF Warlock I make. Because, of course, it never could, and never will.
I quite understand that you will hold to your opinion - I just frankly dont get why you do. To me, the whole issue is so utterly clear but I know that I can sometimes belabour a point till I’m blue in the face and the other person just…can’t see it.
I can only suggest you broaden your viewpoint a bit. I enjoy aspects of the story very much; I was totally hyped back in Wrath when my guild and I killed Arthas. But I always knew that ultimately I didn’t actually kill Arthas because he was right there, back in Icecrown Citadel, waiting for the next group of players. Because the game, the playing part of it, is entirely separate.
But, I get we can never come to an agreement on all that, so I’ll leave the discussion to others as I’m using up irreplaceable minutes of my life on this.
The problem is once you start looking at this with any amount of critical detail, it all falls apart. Why would the wrath of these characters be directed only at characters of their own race? Are Human Warlocks somehow less evil than LFD or NE Warlocks? How in the hell do Orc Warlocks get a pass given their very rough history with all things Fel? If demonology is so dangerous, why wouldn’t Enaara go after every Warlock using every tool she has?
The argument of ‘the leaders would kill them’ completely falls apart because the Alliance and Horde will not tolerate the murder of allied soldiers under some guise of racial purity. In fact, I dare say both factions have waged wars against that very concept.
Listen, this combined with the ‘let me stay in Visage Form all the time’ posts make me think half of the forumites just want to play Au Ra and to them I say, ‘Great! Au Ra are a fine race, lots of edge, very grr. I hope you enjoy Eorzea!’
Well quite simply, human warlocks have been accepted fully as part of the Alliance at this point, they’re not even required to be ‘in basements’ anymore, it’s just that Stormwind has gotten very little in the way of updates since the Cataclysm, so the class trainers are all still down in the basement of the Slaughtered Lamb.
And as for Enaara, well she can dislike Human, Night Elf, Void Elf, Gnome, Dwarf warlocks etc, as much as she likes, but she has no authority over them and a Lightforged Draenei punishing any citizen of the Alliance that isn’t a Lightforged Draenei would create a massive scandal within the Alliance.
However, Enaara only reports to Captain Fareeyah and Turalyon with respect to the Lightforged Draenei and neither of them are fans of warlocks either.
Finally, Orc warlocks, much like Human warlocks, are tolerated among the Horde now. Initially they were not, Thrall only allowed them in the Horde because they were Orcs and he refused to cast them out, and under Garrosh their treatment was far worse, but Vol’jin, Sylvanas and now the Horde Council don’t treat them nearly as badly.
Which is garbage reasoning. She should be petitioning and interfering at every opportunity to get rid of Warlocks at every level if she’s half the fanatic you claim her to be. Furthermore, it’s just as you said; she has no authority over the Alliance and if an LFD has embraced the path of the Warlock but is already part of the Alliance, then tough cookies, they’re as untouchable as any other member of the military. That’s why Exile’s Reach is a fantastic starting zone. It lets ‘taboo’ race-class combos get their foot in the door and by the time you’re done, you’re a hero of the Alliance and Enaara can do little more than scowl and stomp her hooves in your direction.
I said she has no authority over the OTHER races of the Alliance. Because she doesn’t in the same way that the Council of Three Hammers has no authority over a Human unless that human is within their territory.
But when you become a Lightforged Draenei, you become a member of the Army of the Light, that’s the entire story behind the Lightforged Draenei. As such, Enaara absolutely does have authority over any Lightforged Draenei, and only Captain Fareeyah and Turalyon can overrule her.
And you don’t think the other Warlocks, recognized and esteemed, wouldn’t pull rank and tell her to go touch grass? Let alone others that recognize the heroism from other Warlock characters. Hell, Jaina would literally go ‘try me’ and the entire Army of the Light would just sit in its ranks and mutter obscenities because it’s all they’d get away with.
Again, once you join the Alliance, you are a member of a state greater than the individual member races. The Horde had this ‘discussion’ twice now and both times the purists were cast down.
The Alliance is a coalition of nations/groups. Each nation/group has authority over its own people and that authority cannot be challenged, not even by the High King, as we saw with Tyrande sending her forces to Darkshore without Anduin’s approval during BFA.
Enaara only has authority over other Lightforged, and unfortunately no amount of interference from other races removes the authority that she has over other Lightforged. That’s the reality of the situation.
Was the NE PC under an obligation to follow her? No? Funny, it’s almost like Tyrande can throw whatever tantrum she likes with the Night Elf army but can’t say word one as to what happens with Alliance soldiers, which the NE PC is.
Same suit with any other racial leader; we don’t report to them unless we are specifically undertaking tasks from them, we report to the greater Faction as a whole.
In lore, our NE characters would absolutely be under her authority unless there were a different authority that we were dedicated to (Druids for example would answer to the Cenarion Circle, who at that time was being led by Cenarius with Malfurion serving as co-lead (alongside Hamuul Runetotem)).
But I’m done debating this with you, because it seems all you want to do is nitpick.