Canceled Sub to Protest Warlock Nonsense

where will you go now, op?

Blizz when they see your reason for unsubbing



most people are able to accept fantasy in a fantasy game.

for YEARS players have been screaming for all classes to be opened up to all races.

I’m sure you can get a few brains together in Worlds End Tavern and invent a lore reason, instead of chucking a completely pointless tantrum.


My understanding is they’re planning to eventually make it all races all classes. Obviously Evoker will have to be Drac exclusive since the abilities are dragon based and the other races aren’t dragons. But otherwise race will basically be nothing but a cosmetic choice and it’s about time really.

Nah, I’ll gladly accept this change, I like having more classes open to more races and hope they continue this.


Dude I said it the other day, you’re a freaking nightborne. Your whole race along with almost everything in the broken isles was made up “nonsense” specifically for the Legion expansion. Before that it was EXPLICITLY open water and Gul’dan lifted the broken isles from the sea floor.

None of you are doing anything. You’ll just start posting on a different character.

thank you and we salute you for it.

We don’t exist, we’re an Illusion, what are you hiding?


They know you’ll be back next week


Maybe I should go back to Warcraft III? My dream would be that they create a new campaign!

why would anyone start posting on different characters?
of the 90+ posts in this thread, the OP is the only person offended by pixels.

I didn’t read the whole thread, but I’ve seen some people offended by the same thing in the forum. I’m talking about those who are pretending to be quitting over this.

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If you want every member of a race to be a carbon copy of each other, then yes, the RTS is definitely where you ought to go.

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Lmao damn bro

Who’s pretending?

FFXIV is getting my money now, as of June 2nd. And I may just cut it shorter and spend more time playing the new Zelda that came out when I get it on Tuesday.

Already told Blizzard this nonsense was the reason I’m leaving, too, among others. The only reason I’d come back at this point is because my guild’s cool.


Really? You’re quitting over Draenei Warlocks when FFXIV has people tanking in bikinis and chicken suits?

Why would they actually come up with something like this. I think that’s where the confusion starts.

What can I say, they do it better and the community’s not nearly as toxic.

Least not anyone I ran with.

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You continue to ignore the point that we aren’t NPCs. Our characters aren’t NPCs. What happens in the background does not, on many levels, restrict our actions. We do things that no NPC can do because we are real people, restricted only by play rules. Not story rules - playing rules.

The history of the game is like a colourful tapestry in the background that shapes the story of expansions. It’s like that green screen behind actors in films, that the spfx department fills in with environments and graphical characters. It’s two dimensional at best.

The story directs us into quests and instances and other aspects of play, but WE define what we do or don’t do in the game. We, living people, playing characters we create. Until people can see that distinct separation, there will always be these arguments about ‘lore’ that seek to drag player characters back into a box.