Canceled Sub to Protest Warlock Nonsense

Lol. Okay.

I’m sure many of you crying over the storyline evolving were up in arms when the Horde and Alliance decided to stop fighting.

You think you’re quitting. But you’re not.


I thought this was Void and Light that don’t mix.

Can’t speak for others, but I wasn’t.

That was part of a natural story evolution that we’ve seen repeated more than once. It’s honestly fine.

But this change doesn’t just ignore the lore that Blizzard has built up for close to 20 years, it tears it up, throws it in a furnace and then pisses on the ashes before leaving the mess to rot in a dark hole.

It would be the equivalent of having the Night Elves become a techno-savvy cyberpunk race that praises technology and cuts down trees because they’re too green and annoying to look at.


So, you think the game is better off being so restrictive towards it’s players to where it was splitting the players apart.

I am for race/class restrictions being eased, as long as they don’t piss on the lore for that race or class in order to do it. If there’s no lore that says a race can’t do something? Fine, no issues there. But if there is? That should be respected.


I have played other games that have open classes across all races and it wasn’t bland and/or uninteresting. It was liberating. WoW has for too long been hobbled by lore, which pushes player’s character creation choices down a very narrow path tied to an old story. The world should be adapted to come up with creative concepts to allow players to play the characters the way they want to.

We need more choice. An excellent example is them liberating the allied races from the old restrictions. One could say hell, that flies against the lore of the races because we had to prove ourselves to them before we could join their people. I doubt many people feel that lore requirement needs to be maintained.

We are not playing NPCs, we are making player-created characters. They do not need to follow the rules that apply to NPCs. This is the central point that many can’t seem to get past. That character is effectively me, or at least my avatar in the world. Unless one is doing some form of chosen rigid RP, it doesn’t matter at all what the game rules are for NPCs.


Lore-breaking mecha-nelves when?

Ok, so how does Warlocks break the lore when the lore states us, as an unidentified hero? Can you point out where in the lore it states we can only be this class? Can you point out in the lore where we can only be this race?

So much this.


I’m not gonna cancel my sub, but they NEED to at the very least explain this like they did with Orc priests.

They can always write around it, but they need to actually DO it.

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The Draenei literally fled from the Burning Legion for 13,000 years. They were genocided by the Orcs after they were manipulated by the Burning Legion, which the Draenei are all too aware of. Since they arrived on Azeroth they’ve been attacked not once, but multiple times by the Burning Legion who have tried to wipe them out. A significant number of them literally went to Argus to defeat the Burning Legion because they hate the Legion and the Demons that much. They’re also light zealots who have more than a few in their ranks that see Shamanism as heresy and those that practice it (especially the Broken), to be heretics.

But no, because Joe from Eredun wants to go and practice fel, I guess all of that lore that the Draenei as a race were literally built on means absolutely nothing.

For the Lightforged Draenei it’s worse, because instead of fleeing the Burning Legion for 13,000 years, they’ve been fighting them. A race of extreme light zealots that make the Draenei look like mild activists by comparison, who were almost wiped out by the Legion on Argus. These guys are literally infused with the light to the point where even their arcane magic is mixed with Light energy. Hell, to become a Lightforged you literally have to give yourself, body and spirit, to the light to pass the trials.

But no, because again Joe from Eredun wants to use fel, all of that racial lore gets tossed aside.

Night Elves? They lost their entire empire spanning civilization to the Burning Legion, they exiled their kin because they didn’t want to risk having the Legion return. They then remained vigilant for the return of the Legion for 10,000 years before sacrificing their immortality and their vulnerability to sickness and disease to prevent Archimonde from getting what he wanted. They barely tolerate the use of arcane magic and caused the Nightborne to turn to the Horde due to their dogmatic views on its use. But no, they’re just going to tolerate some ditzy Night Elf deciding that all of that doesn’t matter, they just want to practice fel in peace yeah? Nah.

As for the Mag’har. Their name ‘literally’ means uncorrupted. That’s what the word ‘mag’har’ means. The moment a mag’har orc starts using fel magic, they are no longer uncorrupted, they are corrupted, their skin turns green and they become your bog standard Orc. Not a Mag’har Orc.


Somebody needs some ancient mana.


You’ll just resub anyhow who cares.

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They are the Erodar corrupted by demons.


:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


if that’s the last straw there were many straws before this


I mean lore has supported it for years.

give me your gold elf boy


I have to wonder if the people mad about this are RPers who are salty someone’s RP they don’t like just got legitimized.